Processor Expert Component *.PEupd Files on GitHub

The MCUonEclipse GitHub repository is great for everyone which is familiar with Git or GitHub. Previously I was hosting my Processor Expert components on Exporting and maintaining the Processor Expert Update Files (*.PEupd) one by one is a lot of effort. GitHub makes things a lot easier, but again: you need to be familiar with it. And not everyone is ‘gitting’ yet. To help the rest of the world (the non-Gitter), I have now published Processor Expert update files for all the components in the repository, so it is easier to install them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After October 17th 2014, the releases of the McuOnEclipse Processor Expert has been moved to SourceForge, see McuOnEclipse Releases on SourceForge

PEupd Files on GitHub

The Processor Expert Update files are available on

PEupd on GitHub

PEupd on GitHub

Because there is a limitation (or better: bug?) in the Processor Expert component exporter, it was not possible to expert all components in a single file: I hit a file number limit :-(. That’s why there are two files: Part1 and Part2. the readme.txt file lists which components are in which file.


Download the *.PEupd files, and then import them into CodeWarrior. For CodeWarrior for MCU10.x use the Processor Expert menu:

Import Components

Import Components

💡 I can select multiple *.PEupd and import multiple files in a single step.

Done 🙂


I will update the source files on GitHub on a regular base, as always. But because creating the *.PEupd files is an extra step and effort, I will *not* always update them too. You can see from the file name (date) how recent they are. If you want to be on the bleeding edge of the development, then fork or sync with the Git repository. Otherwise: the *.PEupd files should be a more convenient way to install the components.

Happy Updating 🙂

76 thoughts on “Processor Expert Component *.PEupd Files on GitHub

  1. Thank you Erich. That was exactly what I was waiting for. I did not finde the Time to get familar with git and now I can get your PE components this way until I find the time to get GIT working for me



    • Sorry that it tock so long to get to that point. My biggest weakness is that I think what I know or have learned is kind of obvious to everyone. That’s why my family always needs to pull me back on the ‘non-geek-ground’ 😉


  2. Pingback: How to use MCUonEclipse GitHub without Git | MCU on Eclipse

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  5. Pingback: Using Keil µVision (ARM-MDK) with Processor Expert Driver Suite | MCU on Eclipse

  6. Pingback: Using the FRDM-KL25Z as USB Keyboard | MCU on Eclipse

  7. Hi,

    I had the same Problem as Slava Li – and solved it the same way 🙂

    Great Work! Thank your Mr. Styger

    Best Regards
    Markus krug


  8. Erich,

    What would be the best Example project for me to start with to do a USB MSD device on MCF51JM128 chip? I’ll be starting with the DEMOJM board to prototype my new hardware.
    I’d like to do it using as much of your components, etc. as possible. Thinking of this chip because the project calls for a 5V micro.

    Thanks, Bill


  9. Pingback: Tutorial: Ultra Low Cost 2.4 GHz Wireless Transceiver with the FRDM Board | MCU on Eclipse

  10. Pingback: FreeRTOS V7.5.0 released | MCU on Eclipse

  11. Pingback: Using the FRDM-KL25Z as a USB Mouse Device | MCU on Eclipse

  12. Pingback: Device Driver for Freescale MAG3110 Digital Magnetometer | MCU on Eclipse

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  14. Pingback: USB for the Freescale ARM Kinetis KL46Z and K21D50M | MCU on Eclipse

  15. Pingback: FreeRTOS for the Freescale DSC 56F8400 Core | MCU on Eclipse

  16. Pingback: Tutorial: Using a Terminal Input and Output; *without* printf() and scanf() | MCU on Eclipse

  17. Pingback: Bit-Banging I2C with ResetBus() Functionality | MCU on Eclipse

  18. Pingback: DIY: Changing Processor Expert Components | MCU on Eclipse

  19. Pingback: Processor Expert Driver Suite V10.3 Available | MCU on Eclipse

  20. Hello Erich, thanks for your web site.

    A few days ago I install the library components ProcessorExpert. Since then I can not open one of my projects because I get the following error multiple times:

    “Multiple prolems have occurred”
    “An internal error occurred during: CW ProjectsView Project Loading Verification.

    What can I do to get my project?
    Thank you.


    • Hi Josef,
      what are you using (CodeWarrior? which version)? I cannot believe that my components would create somethinig like this.
      The components get installed (on Windows) into
      C:\ProgramData\Processor Expert\CWMCU_PE5_00
      So can you a) Exit Eclipse b) rename that above directory to something so PEx does not find it c) try it with Eclipse again if the problem goes away?


      • Hi Erich
        Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I work with CodeWarrior 10.5.
        As advised me, I changed the folder name so do not find the PE and, indeed, is the same. It don’t seems that the problem comes from component libraries.
        I also tried to import the project on another computer and the same thing happened.
        I do not know what should happen with the project.

        Thank you for your help and apologies for the inconvenience.


  21. Pingback: FRDM with Arduino Ethernet Shield R3, Part 4: MinIni | MCU on Eclipse

  22. Pingback: Enhanced RNet Wireless Components and Communication Stack | MCU on Eclipse

  23. Pingback: Tutorial: Data Logger with the FRDM-K64F Board | MCU on Eclipse

  24. Hi Erich,
    I imported the two PEupd files and added FSL_USB_CDC_Device to my project, then selected the CPU for the K20D50. But when I tried to build, I get errors (No such file) on the three #include “hidef.h”, “derivative.h” and “types.h” in CDC1.C … Can you help explain what’s going on?


        • Oh, I see the problem. Not your fault, more something I’m not able to change easily. The thing is that the FSL_USB_CDC_Device component is a *sub* component of the FSL_USB_Stack component (the FSL_USB_Stack component references the FSL_USB_CDC_Device component). So remove the CDC1 component, and start with the FSL_USB_Stack component, then configure it for USB CDC.
          I hope this helps?


        • Aha! I guess I’ve been spoiled by good dependency management tools like those for Linux packages 🙂 Thanks for pointing out the examples — I didn’t know they were so many there, and it that was EXACTLY what I needed to get productive right away!

          Again, thanks for being such a great brand ambassador for Freescale! The K20/KL25/KL26 are incredible bang-for-the-buck, but the learning curve for both tools (IDE, GCC, PEx, MQX, etc.) and devices are very high, and your blog/tutorials/examples/components are a great help!

          I have mixed feelings about some of the PEx components though … 😦 My first project is bit-banging to some WS2812B. First I tried using BitIO in a loop to see how fast it would go — 700kHz@48MIPs 😦 I tried calling the LDD directly, same thing. -O3 helped, but that creates problems with the NOPs necessary for hard-timings. Finally I wrote directly to GPIOx_PSOR/COR and after adding just the minimum number of NOPs to compensate for bus wait-states, I got 12MHz using direct memory writes 🙂

          I tried using Enter/ExitCritical() to preserve the key hard-timings necessary for bit-banging the WS2812, but somehow that didn’t work and I get intermittent communication errors… but I’ve yet to read the MQX-Lite Ref Man cover-to-cover! My workaround/plan anyway is to investigate using the PWM peripheral and DMA (is that’s possible) to DMA in the string of 24 consecutive duty-cycle values I pre-setup in RAM. Spitting out the bits, and word-string, will then happen in the ISR, and free up CPU cycles and make writing higher-level s/w using an RTOS much easier!


  25. Pingback: Tutorial: Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ with the Freescale FRDM-K64F Board | MCU on Eclipse

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  27. Pingback: XFormat, a Lightweight printf() and sprintf() Alternative | MCU on Eclipse

  28. Erich, I want to import only the FXOS8700 component. Does CW 10.6 import the whole package of components without the ability to select only one?
    Also, does eGit work with CW 10.6? I am having trouble with it.



    • Hi Dave,
      You cannot pick and choose which packages to install. I will create an update package for you and send to you by email which only contains the FX0S8700.
      And I have no troubles with eGIT in CW 10.6, but I’m using most of the time SourceTree in parallel, but this should not matter in my view.



  29. I encountered the same issue that Slava Li had – files downloaded from GitHub gave an LZH error when trying to import them to Processor Expert, but worked ok if I downloaded the entire repository .zip file.

    I have now realised the problem is that if you view the PEupd directory on GitHub, and try to right-click to save the individual .peupd files, Github is truncating the file. You need to left-click on the file, then use the “view raw” link which will then let you download the entire file.


  30. Hello Erich, thanks a lot for your components.

    I downloaded the two PEupd files and imported them in KDS 1.1.1.
    I found that not all of the components have been loaded in the KDS component library.
    Comparing my KDS Component Library to the Package Component Listing, the following components are missing:
    – FreeRTOSTrace version 01.003
    – FSL_USB_CDC_Device version 01.033
    – FSL_USB_CDC_Host version 01.002
    – FSL_USB_HID_Keyboard_Device version 01.054
    – FSL_USB_HID_Mouse_Device version 01.069
    – FSL_USB_MSD_Host version 01.018
    – PercepioTrace version 01.021
    – SSEC version 01.067
    All the other have been correctly loaded.
    I am new with this Platform and I was experimenting your examples, such as the USB hid keyboard and mouse, but the components are missing.

    What can I do to load them?
    Thank you,


  31. Pingback: RingBuffer Component with Put/Get/Clear Events | MCU on Eclipse

  32. Pingback: McuOnEclipse Releases on SourceForge | MCU on Eclipse

  33. Hello Erich, first of all thanks for this very useful site. I have a question, in case I only need to install some of your components but not all, if there is a way to do this ? Best regards. Sara.


    • Hi Sara,
      Unfortunately, this is not possible (unless I would create >150 individual files which would be a pain).
      But from the Component Library view, you can remove/delete the ones you do not want or need.


  34. Hi Erich,

    These are fantastic resources that you’ve posted. I’m trying to reproduce your FRDM-KL25Z printf project in the recently released KDS 2.0.0 and am stuck trying to import the .PEupd files. The link to doesn’t appear to work. I’ve tried using the drag-and-drop method for the LED and WAIT PEupd files from and The LED header files appear to have now been created after I drag-and-dropped into Project Explorer, but the Wait component refuses to. Not sure why. Do you have any recommendations or pointers to newer versions of the .PEupd files?




  35. Hello!
    Recently I set my project to control version using git and gitHub. Before that, PE was working fine, but now generation code is done in original workspace, not in proper git folder. Because of changes done to have GIT versioning, I have two folders of the project. It is a mess: when I open the original workspace in CodeWarrior, my project appeares perfectly (although if I see properties, it is allocated in git folder), and I can include new compenents in PE, but when I genereate code, new code is set on workspace, not in git folder. …I don’t know how to change the path where PE must set the new code… COuld you help me, please?


  36. Hello Erich.
    I need to add a “Critical Section” component and a “Shell” component on my Kinetis Studio Project. I found others components from your sourceforge repository, but I didn’t find these two components. Do you have another repository where I can get them ?

    Thanks in advance.


  37. Hey Erich,
    I am using Kinetis Design Studio. I installed all updates. But after installing am getting a red coloured ‘x’ mark over one of the referenced components, USB1:FSL_USB_Stack . When I right clicked and inspected the component, it says error in inherited components. And also inside properties , My controller name is not there to select in the CPU column. I am using Kinetis E series controller MKE02Z64VLD2. This means the PE updates are only Kinetis L,K and MC controllers and not for Kinetis E series controller ?
    Thanks & Regards
    (Ardent follower of Erich’s Blog)


  38. Can you explain how you are creating the PEupd files? I can’t seem to find any documentation on creating them nor do I see any menu options that appear related.


    • Hi Brian,
      I’m using the ‘classic’ BeanWizard for this (present in CodeWarrior for MCU 10.x), there is the menu File > Export.
      However, that BeanWizard is not available in the ‘free’ edition.

      In the free Kinetis Design Studio V3.x, there is the menu File > Export > Component Development Environment > Export to Package you can use for this.



  39. hi Erich,
    very good work !!!
    I have small query
    I have working setup of KL25z with code-warrior. due to hard-drive I need to re-setup the code-warrior so when I imported previously saved project while generating PE code all components have error for KSDK component missing I do not see a point adding this component and I did not get any info why this component is added ? will it be compatible with my previous code or I need to do major changes? (I am OK to tweak some small issues)
    please enlighten more on this please


  40. Pingback: USB with the TWR-K60F120M and TWR-K70F120M | MCU on Eclipse

  41. Hi Erich,
    I can not download 2 peudp files from your repository. maybe it can be deleted.How can I get these files again?


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