Updating MCU-Link CMSIS-DAP Debug Probe Firmware, Jumper-less

The MCU-Link debug probes are versatile and very useful debug probes from NXP. This article describes how to update the firmware on it, both the ‘traditional’ way with using the ISP jumper, and the new way using a command line script without the need to use a jumper.

MCU-Link Pro Debug Probe ISP Jumper
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New SEGGER J-Link-OB LPC4322-based Firmware with Target Power

Sometimes I have a wish. Not every time it gets fulfilled. But this time I’m lucky and happy developer. A few days ago I wrote about the LPC4322-based SEGGER OB (on-board) J-Link firmware. It works great, but the board requires another USB cable to power the target board.

Rolf Segger contacted me, and a few days later I had a J-Link firmware with a ‘power-on’ feature:

That way, only one USB cable is needed. All what you need to do is to update the firmware.

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New P&E OpenSDA Firmware v114

Good news for everyone having Windows 8.1: P&E has released Dec 11th 2013 a new FRDM board firmware which solves the bootloader issue found with Windows 8.1. The new firmware can download from https://www.pemicro.com/opensda/.

New PnE OpenSDA Firmware

New PnE OpenSDA Firmware

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