Tutorial: GNU gcov Coverage with the NXP i.MX RT1064

This tutorial shows how to use and collect coverage data using the GNU gcov tool. As board and hardaware I’m using the NXP i.MX RT1064 EVK:

MIMXRT1064-EVK running ThreadX

While this tutorial uses this specific board, things are pretty generic and should be applicable for any other board or MCU.


Collecting coverage or test coverage data is very useful and tells which part of the code has been executed and how many time. This is especially useful to show how much of the code has been tested (or not). For details how this works using the gcov GNU utility and for other boards, see the links to my articles in the ‘Links’ section at the end of this tutorial, especially Tutorial: GNU Coverage with MCUXpresso IDE.

The project created and used is available on GitHub.

collected coverage information


I’m using the SDK 2.10.0 from https://mcuxpresso.nxp.com with the version 11.4.1 of the eclipse-based MCUXpresso IDE.

Used NXP MCUXpresso SDK for i.MX RT1064


I recommend to start using gcov with a small project. Use the menu File > New Project and then create a new project or import the Hello World project:

Hello World Project

Next, make sure the project builds successfully and can be debugged.

I’m using the J-Link debug connection as this one supports fully the semihosting file I/O which is required for gcov data collection.

Coverage Stubs

Add the coverage stubs folder and files to the project (you can copy it from my project on GitHub). Make sure the folder is not excluded from the build:

added gcov stubs


Make sure that the newlib library is used with semihosting:

newlib with semihosting

Coverage Initialization

The library needs to be initialized properly, which requires the symbol __init_array_start to be present. For this create (or copy) the file main_text.ldt into a folder named linkscripts.

Initializing Stubs

From the main file, call the gcov stubs like this:

Initializing gcov stubs

Semihosting File I/O

gcov uses file I/O through semihosting to write the data to the host. Check that your debug connection is able to sucessfully open and create a file on the host. For this there is a check routine present in the stub library:

File I/O check

Heap and Stack

File I/O uses lots of heap and stack space. Be sure that you allocate enough space: the more the better, at least trying out things. You still can reduce it later.

Heap and Stack size

My usual approach is to give it as much as possible (e.g. >8k for stack, >8k for heap) and then check with the ‘Heap and stack usage’ view in the IDE:

Heap and Stack usage

How much is needed depends on the library used too, but because file I/O needs large set of data, the more is better. Newlib nano should use less RAM than newlib.

Linker Option

Instruct the linker to link with the gcov library using the -fprofile-arcs option:

-fprofile-arcs linker option

Instrumenting to collect Coverage Information

To collect coverage, individual files/folders need to use the following (file/project!) specific option:

-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage

In return if you build the project, there shall be a file with extension .gcno created:

Writing Coverage

To write the coverage information to the host, call gcov_write() at the end:

Writing coverage information

Collecting Coverage

Now execute the file with the debugger and write the data. This shall create files with the .gcda extension:

Then terminate the debug session.

If you should get an error like this:

libgcov profiling error:....gcda:overwriting an existing profile data with a different timestamp

it means that there is existing profiler information data with a different time stamp and previously generated. Make sure to delete any old or existing data (delete for example the ‘debug’ folder).

đź’ˇ in case of problems, I recommend to make a clean-clean with deleting the ‘debug’ folder.

From Gcc11 on, the function __gcov_flush() to write the data has been replaced by __gocv_dump(). The following code checks for the gcc version and used the correct function:

  #if __GNUC__ < 11
    __gcov_flush(); /* __gcov_flush() has been removed in the libraries for GCC11, use */
    __gcov_dump(); /* from GCC11 on, use __gcov_dump() */

Additionally, the libgcov.a library in MCUXpresso IDE 11.8.0 does *not* properly implement the library and has only empty functions in it.

You need to use a toolchain with gcov library support enabled for example the xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc-12.2.1-1.2-win32-x64 from https://github.com/xpack-dev-tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc-xpack/releases

Show Coverage

To show the collected information, double-click on the generated data and press OK in the dialog:

Open Coverage Information

This opens the ‘gcov’ view with the details. Double-clicking on an entry opens the corresponding source file which shows the coverage information with green/red color.

Coverage with Source Information


Congratulations, you successfully instrumented and collected coverage information :-).

Collecting GNU coverage with gcov is rather straightforward with the MCUXpresso IDE, as all the necessary plugins are included. All what I have to do is to add the necessary high-level steps, add a linker symbol plus add the necessary compiler and linker options.

I hope you find this tutorial useful. Please check the links below for more details and further information, or check my project(s) on GitHub.

Happy covering 🙂


14 thoughts on “Tutorial: GNU gcov Coverage with the NXP i.MX RT1064

      • Is there a rule of thumb for values to start with?

        I’m curious because I always find myself using up all the available resources. Not necessarily because of my largess, just because I want to select the minimum device for the application and SRAM, in embedded devices, is always a resource you’d like more of,


        • With using semihosting file I/O, I would start with about 2 kByte of RAM for the stack. For using gcov, the amoung of heap depends on the number of instrumented modules (or better: arcs). It starts with something around 4KByte for a single module instrumented, and only the ‘sky’ is the limit.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Erich.

    I’m trying to make a setup as yours, but using the LPCXpresso55S06 board. I’m getting the following error all the time:

    Description Resource Path Location Type
    undefined reference to `__gcov_flush’ gcov_support.c /CEC_FW_POC_LPC55S06_GCOV_led_blinky/gcov line 69 C/C++ Problem
    I’m using the NewLib(semihost), with the SDK 2.14.0 and MCUXpresso 11.8.0. I tried with the SDK 2.10.0, but without success. Do you have any clue about whats happening?

    Thanks for your help.


      • Hi Erich.

        Thanks for your reply. I tried this, and now I’m not getting compilation errors, but the gcda files are not being generated when I execute the code. I checked that the semihost is working with the gcov_check function.

        Thanks for your help.


        • Hi Erich.

          I really appreciate if you could try on your side. I will try on my side again and check if something is missing. If I find the problem I will write here on the comments, maybe this could help someone else….



        • Quick update: I did try it with the latest MCUXpresso IDE 11.8.0, and I confirm that the data files are not written. Quickly checking the problem shows that NXP (or ARM?) somehow did not build the libraries with coverage support implemented. Or in other words: looking at the libgcov.a and its code, the coverage functions like __gcov_dump() do nothing and simply return.


        • Hi Erich, thanks for the update.

          I’m going to test the previous versions of the MCUXpresso to see the last version that coverage works. As soon as I have any update I will comment here.


  2. Hi Erich. I tested with the MCUXpresso 11.7.0 and the Jlink Software tools V7.88m and the coverage worked. Thanks a lot for the help and the support.


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