VS Code: Cure the Extension Creep with Profiles

What makes Microsoft Visual Studio Code really useful is the concept of Extensions: Probably for every problem or use case you might find an extension. There are more than 40K extensions available for VS Code. And VS Code asks to install extensions:

VS Code asking to install an extension

The issue with this is: more and more extensions get added, making VS Code slower and slower, caused by that ‘extension creep’. Even worse: extensions can cause conflicts, and clutter the development flow. Luckily, there is a cure for this in VS Code: Profiles.

Active Profile in VS Code
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Organizing Projects with Eclipse and Git

There are many ways to organize projects and workflows, and I would say Eclipse is flexible enough for everything. As I have been asked recently how I organize my projects, I’ll share it here.

Eclipse Workspace and Project Location with Git
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How to fix an Eclipse Workspace that does not open any more?

It can happen to everyone using Eclipse: launching Eclipse with workspace, and then it is stuck loading it. As a last resort, create a new workspace and go on? Possible, but painful, right? For some time I have a strange issue nagging me: from time to time, I’m not able to switch to a workspace which worked before. The IDE starts loading, but then is stuck:

Eclipse Oxygen Stuck Loading Workspace

Eclipse Oxygen Stuck Loading Workspace

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Show Workspace Location in the Title Bar

A central concept of the Eclipse framework is the concept of a workspace. The workspace holds project and project references, among with other settings. I’m using multiple workspaces all the time, and in parallel. How to know which workspace I’m using? By default, the CodeWarrior Eclipse IDE main window comes up like this:

Default CodeWarrior Eclipse Main Frame

Default CodeWarrior Eclipse Main Frame

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