Show Workspace Location in the Title Bar

A central concept of the Eclipse framework is the concept of a workspace. The workspace holds project and project references, among with other settings. I’m using multiple workspaces all the time, and in parallel. How to know which workspace I’m using? By default, the CodeWarrior Eclipse IDE main window comes up like this:

Default CodeWarrior Eclipse Main Frame

Default CodeWarrior Eclipse Main Frame

If I have multiple IDE’s open, it is hard to tell which workspace is used in which window,.

Showlocation Startup Option

Eclipse supports many startup options, a list can be found here. The solution is to use the -showlocation startup argument. As many other programs, eclipse supports different command line arguments. So I have added -showlocation in the shortcut used to launch Eclipse:

Showlocation Startup Parameter

Showlocation Startup Parameter

Now the workspace is visible in the Eclipse title bar:

Workspace Location in Frame Title

Workspace Location in Frame Title

Another solution is to add -showlocation to the eclipse.ini file located inside the eclipse folder:

cwide.ini with -showlocation

cwide.ini with -showlocation

Additionally it is possible to display a name while ‘tabbing’ through the windows. For this I specify a name under Window > Preferences > General > Workspace:

Workspace name shown in window title

Workspace name shown in window title

With this that name is shown while tabbing through the windows (shown below with Windows 7):

Workspace Title in Tabbing Preview

Workspace Title in Tabbing Preview

Another use of the is while hovering over the Window Taskbar (Windows 7):

Taskbar Preview with Workspace Name

Taskbar Preview with Workspace Name

Newer versions of Eclipse (e.g. Oxygen) have a dedicated setting in the workspace preferences which can be used to configure what to show in the title bar:

workspace settings

workspace settings

Happy Showing 🙂

11 thoughts on “Show Workspace Location in the Title Bar

  1. Pingback: CodeWarrior Flash Programming from a DOS Shell | MCU on Eclipse

  2. Pingback: Eclipse Workspace Tips | MCU on Eclipse

  3. Pingback: Top 10 Customization of Eclipse Settings | MCU on Eclipse

  4. That is very useful. I am always going to properties of the project to find out where the project is located. I often pull older versions out of the repository and build them to check changes and usng the properties function is laborious and irritating; your method is a much better way. Thank you.


  5. Pingback: DIY Free Toolchain for Kinetis: Part 2 – Eclipse IDE | MCU on Eclipse

  6. The hint to show the full path is very helpful. But I was not able to find it as described. Instead in my current Eclipse installation (Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0)), I found it under Window –> Preferences –> Workspace : “show full workspace path”.


    • Thank you! I did not realize that these settings have been added later on. Great tip! The -showlocation still works, but in that case it is not possible to have ‘full path’ enabled in the workspace settings.


  7. Thanks a lot. Can you please tell in which Eclipse file the “Window –> Preferences –> Workspace : “show full workspace path” configuration is saved (I’d like to add this file to version control)

    Liked by 1 person

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