BLE with WiFi and FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi Pico-W

The Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 is a very versatile microcontroller. It is not the least expensive or the most powerful microcontroller, but it is one which is available and has an excellent software and tool ecosystem.

This article shows how to use the Raspberry Pi Pico-W with BLE and optional WiFi, running with FreeRTOS.


Back in February 2023, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has released the SDK V1.5 for the Pico, which now includes support for Bluetooth (both BLE and Bluetooth Classic) for the Pico-W board. The SDK V1.4 had only WiFi supported for the Infineon CYW43439. As the CYW43439 can do both WiFi and Bluetooth, we had to wait or the SDK 1.5.

The SDK has BlueKitchen’s BTstack integrated, optimized for small and resource-constraint microcontroller systems. BTstack runs both bare-metal or with an RTOS like FreeRTOS.

Raspberry Pi Pico-W with Debug Interface

For a University research project I need to transmit data from a sensor to another device, in a wireless way. Communication shall be as easy as possible. As communication way, the BLE way has been selected. So why not using to Raspberry Pi Pico-W to transmit the data?

There are some BLE examples in the 1.5 SDK, including a ‘Standalone’ one with a BLE client and BLE server. That was a good starting point, but I wanted to have it working with FreeRTOS plus WiFi (at least optionally). I managed to get it work on this weekend, so I decided to document and publish the project as an example.

The project uses CMake with Eclipse. Data is transmitted from the BLE ‘Server’ to a ‘BLE’ client. Both client and server run with FreeRTOS, and server and client can optionally use WiFi. For the sensor data in this example, the temperature value of the internal RP2040 sensor is transmitted.

The project discussed in this article is available on GitHub.


The project is a CMake project in Eclipse, using make files:

Project Structure

It use the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK together with the McuLib.

The main part is inside the ‘src’ folder:

Source Files
  • app_platform: device initialization
  • application: main application logic
  • ble_client: BLE client implementation, receiving the sensor data
  • ble_server: BLE server implementation, sending the sensor data
  • btstack_config: BLE stack configuration for client and server implementation
  • IncludeMcuLibConfig: McuLib configuration
  • Shell: command line interface (SEGGER RTT and USB CDC)

There are some files which are only used if WiFi support is enabled:

  • dns_resolver: resolves IP addresses to names
  • lwipopts: lwIP configuration file
  • MinIniKeys: used to store WiFi credentials in FLASH
  • ntp_client: NTP implementation to get current data and time
  • PicoWifi: WiFi connection and utilities

Application Configuration

The application can be configured using the settings in app_platform.h:


The most important ones are:

  • PL_CONFIG_STANDALONE_BLE_CLIENT: if server or client
  • PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI: if WiFi is enabled or not
  • PL_CONFIG_USE_BLE: if BLE is enabled or not

CMakeLists.txt Files

The ‘main CMake file is pretty standard for a Pico-W:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)

# initialize the SDK based on PICO_SDK_PATH
# note: this must happen before project()

project(pico_W_BLE C CXX ASM) # sets ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}

set(PICO_BOARD pico_w)  # needed for Pico-W, otherwise #include "pico/cyw43_arch.h" won't be found

# [Platfrom specific command] Initialize the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK

add_compile_options(-include "${PROJECT_ROOT_DIR}/src/IncludeMcuLibConfig.h")


# enable USB CDC and disable UART:
pico_enable_stdio_usb(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} 1)
pico_enable_stdio_uart(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} 0)

# add component directories to the list

# generate extra files (map/bin/hex/uf2)

  # might have circular library dependencies, see
  SrcLib  # again because of FreeRTOShooks.c

The CMakeLists.txt in the ‘src’ folder is special and integrates both the BLE stack and the lwIP stack:

# file: Collect all files that need to be compiled. 

# add_library: With this declaration, you express the intent to build a library. 
# The first argument is the name of the library, 
# the second argument are the files that will be compiled to create your library.
add_library(SrcLib ${FILES})

# need to add custom compile flags
target_compile_definitions(SrcLib PRIVATE
  CYW43_ENABLE_BLUETOOTH=1  # otherwise cyw43_arch_init() will not initialize BLE

# target_link_libraries: If you link with other libraries, list them here
  SrcLib                # this library
  McuLib                # we need the McuLib
  pico_stdlib           # pico standard library
  hardware_adc          # internal temperature and ADC
  pico_btstack_ble      # BLE stack
  pico_btstack_cyw43    # BLE stack with CYW43
  pico_cyw43_arch_lwip_sys_freertos  # full lwIP stack including blocking sockets, with NO_SYS=0

# target_include_directories: Libraries need to publish their header files 
# so that you can import them in source code. This statement expresses where to find the files 
# - typically in an include directory of your projects.
target_include_directories(SrcLib PUBLIC .)

pico_btstack_make_gatt_header(SrcLib PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/temp_sensor.gatt")

The special entries are:

  • CYW43_ENABLE_BLUETOOTH=1: this is required to have the CYW43 integration with BLE enabled
  • pico_btstack_ble: this adds the BLE stack (only BLE, no classic Bluetooth)
  • pico_btstack_cyw43: this adds the integration of the stack with the CYW43
  • pico_cyw43_arch_lwip_sys_freertos: this adds the lwIP stack with FreeRTOS support and blocking sockets.

A special CMake function is used to run the comile_gatt too. This creates a GATT from the BTstack GATT file:

pico_btstack_make_gatt_header(SrcLib PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/temp_sensor.gatt")

The file is generated in the src folder as a GATT file for a temperature sensor.

BLE Client Implementation

The client implementation is in ble_client.c With WiFi enabled, there is already a WiFi task. Otherwise a task for the client gets created. That BLE task does the CYW43 initialization:

static void clientTask(void *pv) {
  /* initialize CYW43 driver architecture (will enable BT if/because CYW43_ENABLE_BLUETOOTH == 1) */
  if (cyw43_arch_init()) {
    McuLog_fatal("failed to initialize cyw43_arch");
  for(;;) {
    btstack_run_loop_execute(); /* does not return */

void BleClient_Init(void) {
#if !PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI /* if using WiFi, will do the BLE stuff from the WiFi task */
  if (xTaskCreate(
      clientTask,  /* pointer to the task */
      "BLEclient", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */
      1200/sizeof(StackType_t), /* task stack size */
      (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */
      tskIDLE_PRIORITY+2,  /* initial priority */
      (TaskHandle_t*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */
    ) != pdPASS)
    McuLog_fatal("failed creating task");
    for(;;){} /* error! probably out of memory */

The BLE client setup is a below:

void BleClient_SetupBLE(void) {
  l2cap_init(); /* Set up L2CAP and register L2CAP with HCI layer */
  sm_init(); /* setup security manager */
  sm_set_io_capabilities(IO_CAPABILITY_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT); /* set security manager that we want to connect automatically */
  gatt_client_init(); /* initialize client */

  hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &hci_event_handler; /* configure callback structure */
  hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); /* register callback */

  /* setup timer */
#if PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI /* use cyw43/lwip timer */
  async_context_add_at_time_worker_in_ms(cyw43_arch_async_context(), &heartbeat_worker, LED_SLOW_FLASH_DELAY_MS);
#else /* use BTStack timer */
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, LED_SLOW_FLASH_DELAY_MS);
  hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); /* turn it on */

Depending on if only BLE or BLE+WiFi is running, different timer callbacks have to be used to flash the LED and to restart the timer:

  static void heartbeat_handler(async_context_t *context, async_at_time_worker_t *worker);
  static async_at_time_worker_t heartbeat_worker = { .do_work = heartbeat_handler };

  static void heartbeat_handler(async_context_t *context, async_at_time_worker_t *worker) {
    bool useShortDelay;

    useShortDelay = callbackToggleLED();
    /* restart timer */
    async_context_add_at_time_worker_in_ms(context, &heartbeat_worker, useShortDelay?LED_QUICK_FLASH_DELAY_MS:LED_SLOW_FLASH_DELAY_MS);
  static btstack_timer_source_t heartbeat;

  static void heartbeat_handler(struct btstack_timer_source *ts) {
    bool useShortDelay;

    useShortDelay = callbackToggleLED();
    /* restart timer */
    btstack_run_loop_set_timer(ts, useShortDelay?LED_QUICK_FLASH_DELAY_MS:LED_SLOW_FLASH_DELAY_MS);

The client then waits for an advertising packet from the server and connects to it:

00:00:01,17 INFO  ble_client.c:178: BTstack up and running on 43:43:A2:12:1F:AC.
00:00:01,17 INFO  ble_client.c:43: Start scanning!
00:00:01,64 INFO  ble_client.c:196: Connecting to device with addr 28:CD:C1:08:13:5D.
00:00:02,69 INFO  ble_client.c:207: Search for env sensing service.
00:00:03,28 INFO  ble_client.c:86: Storing service
00:00:03,35 INFO  ble_client.c:98: Search for env sensing characteristic.
00:00:03,47 INFO  ble_client.c:108: Storing characteristic
00:00:03,47 INFO  ble_client.c:122: Enable notify on characteristic.
00:00:03,60 INFO  ble_client.c:134: Notifications enabled, ATT status 0x00

After that, it receives data items from the server every 10 seconds:

00:00:03,60 INFO  ble_client.c:147: Indication value len 2
00:00:03,60 INFO  ble_client.c:150: read temp 22.36 degc
00:00:08,13 INFO  ble_client.c:147: Indication value len 2
00:00:08,13 INFO  ble_client.c:150: read temp 22.38 degc

BLE Server Implementation

The server implementation in ble_server.c is very similar to the client one. Except that it configures the data source (temperature sensor):


static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration;

static void callbackSendData(void) { /* callback is called every second */
  static uint32_t counter = 0;
  if ((counter%10) == 0) { /* Update the temperature every 10s */
    if (le_notification_enabled) {

static void callbackToggleLED(void) { /* called every second */
  /* Invert the led */
  static int led_on = true;
  led_on = !led_on;
  cyw43_arch_gpio_put(CYW43_WL_GPIO_LED_PIN, led_on);

  static void heartbeat_handler(async_context_t *context, async_at_time_worker_t *worker);
  static async_at_time_worker_t heartbeat_worker = { .do_work = heartbeat_handler };

  static void heartbeat_handler(async_context_t *context, async_at_time_worker_t *worker) {
    /* restart timer */
    async_context_add_at_time_worker_in_ms(context, &heartbeat_worker, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);
  static btstack_timer_source_t heartbeat;

  static void heartbeat_handler(struct btstack_timer_source *ts) {
    /* restart timer */
    btstack_run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);

void BleServer_SetupBLE(void) {
  l2cap_init(); /* Set up L2CAP and register L2CAP with HCI layer */
  sm_init(); /* setup security manager */
  att_server_init(profile_data, att_read_callback, att_write_callback); /* setup attribute callbacks */

  /* inform about BTstack state */
  hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &packet_handler; /* setup callback for events */
  hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); /* register callback handler */

  /* register for ATT event */
  att_server_register_packet_handler(packet_handler); /* register packet handler */

  /* setup timer */
#if PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI /* use cyw43 timer */
  async_context_add_at_time_worker_in_ms(cyw43_arch_async_context(), &heartbeat_worker, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);
#else /* use BTStack timer */
  heartbeat.process = &heartbeat_handler;
  btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&heartbeat, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS);
  hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); /* turn BLE on */

static void SetupTemperatureSensor(void) {
  /* Initialize adc for the temperature sensor */

#if !PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI /* if using WiFi, will do the BLE stuff from the WiFi task */
static void serverTask(void *pv) {
  /* initialize CYW43 driver architecture (will enable BT if/because CYW43_ENABLE_BLUETOOTH == 1) */
  if (cyw43_arch_init()) {
    McuLog_fatal("failed to initialize cyw43_arch");
    for(;;) {}
  for(;;) {
    btstack_run_loop_execute(); /* does not return */
#endif /* !PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI */

void BleServer_Init(void) {
#if !PL_CONFIG_USE_WIFI /* if using WiFi, will do the BLE stuff from the WiFi task */
  if (xTaskCreate(
      serverTask,  /* pointer to the task */
      "BLEserver", /* task name for kernel awareness debugging */
      1200/sizeof(StackType_t), /* task stack size */
      (void*)NULL, /* optional task startup argument */
      tskIDLE_PRIORITY+2,  /* initial priority */
      (TaskHandle_t*)NULL /* optional task handle to create */
    ) != pdPASS)
    McuLog_fatal("failed creating task");
    for(;;){} /* error! probably out of memory */

Data collected and transmitted is then shown in the console:

18:01:58,59 INFO  ble_server.c:51: ADC: temperature 22.36 degc
18:01:58,59 INFO  ble_server.c:86: Can send data now
18:02:09,05 INFO  ble_server.c:51: ADC: temperature 22.36 degc
18:02:09,05 INFO  ble_server.c:86: Can send data now

WiFi Task

The WiFi support with PicoWiFi.c is optional: the example can run without WiFi too. It uses MinINI to read the WiFi credentials from FLASH:

static void WiFiTask(void *pv) {
  int res;
  bool ledIsOn = false;

  if (networkMode == WIFI_PASSWORD_METHOD_WPA2) {
    McuLog_info("using WPA2");

  McuLog_info("started WiFi task");
  /* initialize CYW43 architecture
      - will enable BT if CYW43_ENABLE_BLUETOOTH == 1
      - will enable lwIP if CYW43_LWIP == 1
  if (cyw43_arch_init_with_country(CYW43_COUNTRY_SWITZERLAND)!=0) {
    McuLog_error("failed setting country code");
    for(;;) {}
  wifi.isInitialized = true;
  McuLog_info("enabling STA mode");
  McuUtility_strcpy(wifi.hostname, sizeof(wifi.hostname), WIFI_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME);
  McuUtility_strcpy(wifi.ssid, sizeof(wifi.ssid), WIFI_DEFAULT_SSID);
  McuUtility_strcpy(wifi.pass, sizeof(wifi.pass), WIFI_DEFAULT_PASS);
  McuLog_info("setting hostname: %s", wifi.hostname);
  netif_set_hostname(&cyw43_state.netif[0], wifi.hostname);

  vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000)); /* give network tasks time to start up */

  McuLog_info("connecting to SSID '%s'...", wifi.ssid);
  res = cyw43_arch_wifi_connect_timeout_ms(wifi.ssid, wifi.pass, CYW43_AUTH_WPA2_AES_PSK, 20000);
  if (res!=0) {
    for(;;) {
      McuLog_error("connection failed after timeout! code %d", res);
  } else {
    wifi.isConnected = true;
  for(;;) {
    cyw43_arch_gpio_put(CYW43_WL_GPIO_LED_PIN, ledIsOn);
    ledIsOn = !ledIsOn;
    if (wifi.isConnected) {
    } else {

Depending on the BLE (client or server) it calls the BLE setup:


With WiFi and NTP enabled, it gets date and time information from the internet. Below is such a startup sequence of the server with WiFi and NTP client running:

00:00:00,00 INFO  PicoWiFi.c:103: started WiFi task
00:00:00,92 INFO  PicoWiFi.c:119: enabling STA mode
00:00:01,14 INFO  PicoWiFi.c:130: setting hostname: pico
00:00:01,16 INFO  ble_server.c:67: BTstack up and running on 28:CD:C1:08:13:5D.
00:00:01,17 INFO  ble_server.c:51: ADC: temperature 20.96 degc
00:00:02,14 INFO  PicoWiFi.c:135: connecting to SSID 'mySSID'...
00:00:02,86 INFO  ble_server.c:112: Attribute write callback
00:00:02,87 INFO  ble_server.c:86: Can send data now
00:00:05,09 INFO  PicoWiFi.c:143: success!
00:00:05,12 INFO  dns_resolver.c:20: '' resolved to
00:00:05,14 INFO  ntp_client.c:42: got ntp response: 19/03/2023 17:41:30
17:41:35,48 INFO  ble_server.c:51: ADC: temperature 20.96 degc
17:41:35,48 INFO  ble_server.c:86: Can send data now


With this I have a working BLE client-server communication between two Raspberry Pi Pico-W boards, both running with FreeRTOS, and both with optional WiFi support. This makes it a very versatile and cost effective solution for any kind of short range communication devices.

You can find the current code and project on GitHub, together with other Raspberry Pi Pico based projects.

Happy Bluetoothing 🙂



9 thoughts on “BLE with WiFi and FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi Pico-W

  1. Wow this is very interesting!

    Since I am new to microcontrollers and following the Pico official documentation, I am set up in VS Code and using a Pico debug probe. Am I able to use your code as-is?


  2. Hello Erich,

    Thank you very much for this very comprehensive and documented project. I’m very interested in reproducing it for an IoT project, where the client would have a screen.

    Anyways, I tried over the past couple of days understanding the way the McuLib works and getting it to work as it’s the first time I’m following one of your projects !

    Unfortunately, even with the latest version pulled from GitHub, and following the instructions specific for the raspberry pico, I run into problems. I made sure to specify the board type, set(PICO_BOARD pico_w) AND pico_cyw43_arch_lwip_sys_freertos in their respective CMakeLists.

    I then proceded to several tests with different configurations, only BLE, only WiFi and both. Either way I didn’t even had a blinking LED. I then proceeded to use a debug probe to see what was going on.

    I discovered that everything goes as planned, the task gets created without an issue the Startschedueler command runs without problem.

    Then, in timers.c (from McuLib/FreeRTOS),

    static portTASK_FUNCTION( prvTimerTask, pvParameters ) does a few runs (where nothing is happening) in the

    for( ; configCONTROL_INFINITE_LOOP(); )

    But then, with a callstack including the wifi task, bluetooth stack and others, I get into a breakpoint from runtime.c

    void __attribute__((noreturn)) __attribute__((weak)) _exit(__unused int status) {




        while (1) {





    I have to admit I have no clue what I’m doing wrong, even if I feel I missed something.

    If you have any hint/clue why this situation is happening, please let me know.

    For information, I’m using VSCode.

    I also had a question, that might be related to my error : why are there a custom files in the ARM_CM4F for the raspberry pico ? It’s a M0 and the GCC Portable ports.c and portmacros.c are available online on the pico sdk github.

    Thanks again for this code and article, and I look forward to reading your reply !


    • I’ll have to check and re-run that project.
      As for the ARM_CM4F (I think you refer to the FreeRTOS port files?): this is shared between M4, M0 and M33. FreeRTOS originally has them separate, but because the ports are 99% the same, I have them combined.


      • Yes I was speaking about the FreeRTOS port files. As I thought it might have something to do with the error I mentionned it !

        I also forgot to mention that I tried to increase the heap size and the size allocated to the task, but that didn’t seem like the reason of the breakpoint, as I would have had an error when creating the task.


        • What kind of error did you get with creating the task? Most likely it is about lack of heap size, but you have to check (e.g. step into the task creation routine with the debugger and check what is going on.


        • I don’t have any error on creating the task.

          After some more research, I think my problems comes from the BTStack, which seems weird ?

          Here’s the stack leading to the breakpoint :

          _exit runtime.c:187
          __assert_func runtime.c:271
          default_enter_safe_zone_timeout_ms flash.c:183
          flash_safe_execute flash.c:78
          pico_flash_bank_write btstack_flash_bank.c:163
          btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write btstack_tlv_flash_bank.c:127
          btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write_header btstack_tlv_flash_bank.c:220
          btstack_tlv_flash_bank_init_instance btstack_tlv_flash_bank.c:537
          setup_tlv btstack_cyw43.c:32
          btstack_cyw43_init btstack_cyw43.c:65
          cyw43_arch_init cyw43_arch_freertos.c:53
          cyw43_arch_init_with_country cyw43_arch.c:162
          WiFiTask wifi.c:126

          In the pico_flash_bank_write an undefined error (but not a timeout) is triggered, leading to a flash_safe_execute, which will trigger an Assert, leading to __exit function and the infinite breakpoint.

          Do you think the configuration changed in the BT Stack, because I didn’t touch anything in these file at the moment of testing, I only set CONFIG_USE_BLE to 1.


        • That’s interesting, never saw that message. Indeed the BT Stack seems to use FLASH memory, and somehow fails. Currently I have no idea what could have caused this 😦


      • After some more digging, I think the main problem comes from FreeRTOS Files. It might be because this project is a year old, but the FreeRTOS folder was updated for your recent projects. Because of this, the FreeRTOS Kernel is V11.0, but the FreeRTOS Config and all other project related files were written for FreeRTOS V10.X.

        After some debugging and adding configuration related to FreeRTOS V11.0, I didn’t manage to make the project work again, having several compiling errors each time.

        Or it might also be BTStacks updates too.


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