3D Printed Gameboy and Remote Controller with tinyK20 Board

As a remote controller for the Sumo robot (see “Zumo Robot with Magnetic Encoders“) we have used so far a combination of NXP FRDM-KL25Z board and a Joystick Shield (see “Joystick Shield with nRF24L01 driving a Zumo Robot“). That solution was not ideal, so this weekend I created a 3D printed prototype:

tinyK20 Remote Controller

tinyK20 Remote Controller

The concept is using the following parts:

For the push buttons I’m using the microcontroller internal pull-ups. The LCD uses a connector to the front board:

Push Buttons

Push Buttons

To LiPo battery gets charged from the 5V tinyK20 USB port. A 3.3V step-up/step-down converter supplies the 3.3V to the tinyK20 board from VBat:

tinyK20 Power Supply

tinyK20 Power Supply

All the components fit into the 3D printed enclosure:

tinyK20 Remote Controller Inside

tinyK20 Remote Controller Inside

The external debug circuit (to use the tinyK20 as debugger) is removed to shrink the box size:

Debugging tinyK20 with tinyK20

Debugging tinyK20 with tinyK20

Below is a rendering of the 3D model for the enclosure:

tinyK20 Remote Controller 3D Model

tinyK20 Remote Controller 3D Model


With this project I have handy remote controller unit with nRF24L01+ wireless transceiver, battery charger and 5 push buttons to navigate trough menus or play games like Tetris or Snake.

Snake Game

Snake Game

The Eclipse/Kinetis Design Studio project is available on GitHub. The 3D model is posted on Thingiverse. The next step would be to integrate everything into a PCB. Then every student group could use such a tinyK20 board with their robots. Or to use it as a gaming platform. Or as a remote controller to open the garage door :-).

Happy Remoting 🙂

9 thoughts on “3D Printed Gameboy and Remote Controller with tinyK20 Board

  1. Looking good Erich, I was working on something very similar for the Blaze Kickstarter however I ran out of time and wasn’t able to complete it.


    • It is available to the students as part of their course work. But we have a few which could be made available outside of the university. Send me an email to the address noted in the about box of this blog if you are interested.


  2. Pingback: Prototype of Wireless Remote Controller with NXP Kinetis K20 | MCU on Eclipse

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