Building with CMake Presets

I’m getting my head more and more around CMake and its features. After having so many issues with VS Code dealing with CMake Kits, I have found feature in CMake which really is a game changer for me: CMake Presets.

Working with CMake Presets in VS Code


In a nutshell, CMake is an open source ‘cross-platform build generator’: Using CMake files, I can orchestrate my build process. CMake is a generator, so it generates build files for builders like for GNU make or ninja. The downside is that it takes time to learn CMake and its imperative programming language. In contrast, on Eclipse the ‘managed make’ build process is very easy to use, but less flexible. VS Code does not come with a build system, so I’m using and learning CMake with it.

Recently I had a lot of issues with CMake in VS Code, and I have found a way to make the build process both independent of VS Code, and the same time much better integrated. And here CMake Presets were a true game changer, as now I can easily have different build types like ‘debug‘, ‘release‘ or ‘coverage‘.

All this could be done with rather complex command lines running CMake, e.g.

cmake . -B build/debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG     -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake

but this is hard to remember, or I need to create script/batch files, which makes things really complex with different configurations. CMake Presets replaces all this, with a set o JSON files defining the options and more.

In the next sections I explain how I’m using CMake Presets to make building more flexible and easier. There might be better ways, but at least this is currently working very well for me, and enables me to have an easy and simple CI/CD pipeline too.

You can find an example how I’m using CMake Presets with VS Code on GitHub.

CMake Presets Definition File

CMake Presets contain information how to configure, build, test and even package a project. Preset information is stored in a JSON files:

"version": 6,
"cmakeMinimumRequired": {
"major": 3,
"minor": 23,
"patch": 0
"configurePresets": [
// ...
"buildPresets": [
// ...
"testPresets": [
// ...

With the configurePresets I specify how the project is configured (paths, architecture, options, …). They are used if I do a CMake: Configure in VS Code.

The buildPresets describe what build types I have (e.g. debug, release, …). And finally, the testPresets define the builds to be used for testing. They are used if I do a CMake: Build in VS Code.

The default file is named CMakePresets.json and is located in the root folder of the project:

CMakePresets.json in VS Code

It is possible to use a CMakeUserPresets.json: this one is meant to specify own local settings and build details for a developer.

Configure Preset

Below is an example of a preset:

"configurePresets": [
"name": "config-base",
"hidden": true,
"displayName": "base Configuration",
"description": "Default build using Ninja generator",
"generator": "Ninja",
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build/${presetName}",
"toolchainFile": "${sourceDir}/arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake"
"name": "debug",
"displayName": "Config Debug",
"description": "Sets debug build type and cortex arch",
"inherits": "config-base",
"architecture": {
"value": "arm",
"strategy": "external"
"cacheVariables": {
"name": "release",
"displayName": "Config Release",
"description": "Sets release build type",
"inherits": "debug",
"cacheVariables": {

The first entry describes the ‘config-base’, which is hidden and is inherited in the ‘debug’ and ‘release’ configuration. The inheritance works nicely here, as I can define a some base properties, which then can be used and possibly overwritten in the debug and release configuration.

Notice that with the ‘toolchainFile‘ the CMake kit to be used is specified. Using ‘cacheVariables‘ I can set variables and settings used later in the CMakeLists.txt files.

Build Presets

In a similar way, the build presets are built up here for debug and release builds:

"buildPresets": [
"name": "build-base",
"hidden": true,
"configurePreset": "debug",
"name": "debug",
"displayName": "Build Debug",
"inherits": "build-base"
"name": "release",
"displayName": "Build Release",
"inherits": "build-base",
"configurePreset": "release"

Here again I define a (hidden) build-base, and inherit from it for a release and debug build. The build presets point back to a configure preset.

CMake Command-line Usage

To list the available presets with CMake, I use the following:

cmake --list-presets

which gives:

Available configure presets:

"debug" - Config Debug
"release" - Config Release

To configure a project with CMake using a preset, I use the following:

cmake --preset <name-of-preset>

for example:

> cmake --preset debug
Preset CMake variables:

-- McuLib for MCUXpresso SDK
-- Configuring done (0.3s)
-- Generating done (0.1s)
-- Build files have been written to: LPC55S16-EVK/LPC55S16_Blinky/build/debug

In a similar way, I can list the build presets:

cmake --build --list-presets

To build a project, I use

cmake --build --preset <name-of-preset>

For example:

> cmake --build --preset release
[149/149] Linking C executable LPC55S16_Blinky.elf
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
PROGRAM_FLASH: 27740 B 228608 B 12.13%
SRAM: 42940 B 64 KB 65.52%
USB_RAM: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00%
SRAMX: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00%
text data bss dec hex filename
27724 16 42924 70664 11408 LPC55S16-EVK/LPC55S16_Blinky/build/Release/LPC55S16_Blinky.elf

With this, I have the ability to build the project. I don’t need an IDE or editor for this, everything is easily managed by command line commands. That way, it it can be integrated into a CI/CD pipeline, and the CMake kits and options are all defined with the Preset, the referenced CMake Kit and the CMakeLists.txt.

CMake Presets with VS Code

While we can build everything from the command line, CMake Presets are supported in VS Code.

To tell VS Code to use CMake Presets, use the following two settings in settings.json:

"cmake.useCMakePresets": "always",
"cmake.options.statusBarVisibility": "visible",
settings.json for CMake Presets
  • useCMakePresets tells VS Code to use presets with CMake.
  • statusBarVisibility makes sure that all the preset options are shown in the bottom status bar.

VS Code Status Bar

The status bar in VS Code shows the currently selected Presets, and I can click on them to change the preset e.g. from Release to Debug:

VS Code CMake Preset Status Bar

💡 In above project I do not have a Test Preset defined: this is a subject of a future article describing how to set up tests and run it with CTest.

With that, I can use the usual CMake commands in VS code to clean, configure and build:

CMake Commands in VS Code

CMake Project Status

Additionally, the CMake extensions shows the project status with all the settings:

CMake Project Status

I can directly edit the settings from that view, e.g. change the ‘Debug’ build to a ‘Release’ one.


CMake Presets are probably one of the most powerful and useful features in CMake. Instead using complex command lines, I can structure my builds and options for it. The same time it nails down the CMake Kits which has been a constant source of frustration and problems with VS Code for me. With CMake Presets I can configure and build my projects on the command line. The same time CMake presets are much better supported and used with VS Code. My CMake and VS Code projects have been dramatically simplified with using Presets.

Most VS Code users or even many CMake users might not be aware of CMake Presets: I hope with this article I can help you to get to the next level of using CMake. I’m using Presets for my test builds too, more about this in future article.

Happy presetting 🙂


23 thoughts on “Building with CMake Presets

  1. The preset is very powerful. I’m using it for almost all of my CMake projects. However, it still can be improved. For example, adding support for -D argument so that it won’t be necessary to write presets for different targets. One of my project has many different targets for different platforms. To avoid writing many similar presets, I wrote a makefile to call CMake presets with different environment variable values.


    • I have transformed pretty much all of my CMake projects using Presets too. As for passing -D options: you could use nativeToolOptions for this, in the same way as you would pass options to CMake directly.


      • Actually a better way would be to use “cacheVariables”. In your configuration you can have something like this:

        "cacheVariables": {
        "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug",

        Then in the CMakeLists.txt you simply can add that option to the list of defines, e.g.:



        • In that project, we have like 10 different models controled by -DMODEL=xxx. The model specific CMake configurations are saved in some model_xxx.cmake and model_yyy.cmake files.
          With makefile, I use “make xxx_debug” to build debug version of model xxx under build/xxx_dubug and “make yyy_release” to build release version of model yyy under build/yyy_release, etc. In fact, I have another build variant called dev aside from debug and release. The dev variant is the same with debug except it skips some time-consuming code checking steps so that the building time when developing could be reduced.

          Under the hood, the makefile simpily extract the model string (xxx) and variant string (debug) and pass it to cmake as a environment variable. In the main CMakeLists.txt, it simply include the corresponding model_xxx.cmake file. It is tricy but clean. When a new model is needed (yes, it happens time to time and I’m dying for it), all I need to do in the build system is copy xxx.cmake to zzz.cmake and write model specific configurations in zzz.cmake.

          However, if with cmake presets, I have to repeat myself to add like 10 different configurations for debug, release and dev versions. The CMakePresets.json would be filled with duplicate codes and annoying.


  2. Hey,

    Is debugging with vscode and cmake presets also working?
    I have issues that if I want to launch debug session vscode searches for the cmake-kits.json file but because using CMakePresets.json I don’t have that file and so debugging does not work.
    And I also don’t see you have that file in your example project.


    • Yes, debug works without problem. Check your preset config, it shall reference the kit, e.g.

      "toolchainFile": "${sourceDir}/arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake",

      Other than that, check your launch.json how the executable is specified. I have this:

      "executable": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}",


  3. An important feature of presets is inheritance.

    By including more generic preset files, it is possible to gradually specialize the presets to fit your needs.

    It is thus possible to define a default set of options like generator, output binary dir, cache and environment variables, etc. into a default preset file that is included in more specific ones, up to the top-level CMakePresets.json, which can be further customized by a CMakeUserPresets.json file to specify local / user-specific settings like tool paths.

    But as presets can inherit from multiple existing presets, I found very convenient to define presets dealing with hardware-specific settings on one hand, and some other presets dealing with software-specific features and/or build types on the other hand.

    I also use 3 levels of “inheritance” for toolchain files like this:
    * a toolchain-arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake that is called by
    * a toolchain-vendor.cmake that is in turn called by
    * a toolchain-project.cmake

    As a last sophistication, I use *.code-workspace files instead of plain directory structures to get a VSCode project view very similar to other IDEs.


  4. hi,
    i am having trouble with presets…

    defining a kit .vscode/cmake-kits.json enable me to define a environmentSetupScript, in my case enabling a python environment

    without this the build fail on generating nanopb header and sources.

    it could be that a workaround is to call

    cmake –preset presetname

    cmake –build –preset presetname

    from a shell with enabled virtualenv. but since CMakePresets.json does not accept vscode variables when run from command line(which are convenient to use) i get an invalid preset file error…


    • My thinking is that you should keep CMake and VS Code separate, and not depending on VS Code to setup things, e.g. a python environment. Same for using VS Code variables in the preset file. Doing so will only cause problems imho. VS Code is not an IDE, it is basically just an editor with extensions. If you keep CMake and VS Code mixed up, then you won’t be able to run CMake files standalone, e.g. preventing proper CI/CD.


      • after removing the VS Code variables it is “working”, but now i ended up having some absolute path defined in my presets at the ‘environment’ tag.
        the absolute paths coded in an Environment variable defines the location of sources which are out of tree.

        how can i get rid of it?(more a cmake question in general)

        as “working” i intend running the build manually with the python env activated, vscode cmake extension cannot activate the environment


        • what I do is to create the environment (variables) outside (e.g. with conda or a shell script), then run CMake or VS Code within that environment. That way you don’t have any absolute variables in your build or VS Code.


        • Yes, activating the python env does exactly that, then protoc from the env is used.
          This approach is good as you said for automating it , but we lost some features of the cmake vsc extension


        • I would not base and count on the vsc extensions: they create a dependency I do not want and only gets in the way. This is exactly the reason why I had to use CMake presets because VSC is handling this so buggy and poorly. Sure you can build everything around VSC, but sooner or later you will end up in the same situation as I was: VSC is getting in the way and only adds complexity and a undesired dependency. Just my 1 cent. So I had to step back from trying to use VSC as an IDE, and switched back to use VSC as an editor (with nice extensions): to what VSC and its extensions is designed for.


  5. Another question/whish:

    How would you configure unit testing with native toolchain using presets?
    so i don’t tink you can make a reply here, but maybe a post? 🙂

    Thank you a lot for all the help you give!


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