Snake Game on the FRDM-KL25Z with Nokia 5110 Display

So I have a graphics driver for a Nokia display (see “Zero Cost 84×48 Graphical LCD for the Freedom Board“), I have a joystick shield (see “JoyStick Shield with the FRDM Board“) and I do have a Freescale Freedom board: why not creating a simple game for it? Snake!

Snake Game with FRDM-KL25Z Board

Snake Game with FRDM-KL25Z Board

My first mobile phone was a Nokia with a 84×48 black/white display, and I loved it for many reasons, including having the ‘Snake’ game (see An ARM Cortex M0+ is way overpowered for that simple game, still it is fun to make and game it :-).

The game is very simple: A snake is running around, and I can control it with the cursor/joystick with up, down, left and right. The snake has to ‘eat’ the ‘food’, and the snake gets longer the more food is eaten. But the snake shall *not* touch the outside border.

💡 Usually there is another rule that the snake shall not touch itself. But I was too lazy to make it.

Snake with Food

Snake with Food

For the project I ordered a black joystick shield for $11.27, as the soldering quality of the previous ‘white’ one was very bad. The Nokia 5110 LCD I ordered from for $3.87 so it would directly match with the joystick shield. So makes $30 in total including the FRDM-KL25Z board.

Startup Screen for Snake Game

Startup Screen for Snake Game

Ready to Play Snake Game

Ready to Play Snake Game

The video shows the game in action:

The Snake game runs as a FreeRTOS task. The drawing and graphics including fonts are implemented with Processor Expert components:

Graphical Display Driver

Graphical Display Driver

Font and Font Driver

Font and Font Driver


So I have another nice usage for my boards and the joystick shields :-). I need to admit that I’m not very good at the game. My daughter reached level 4 in the first attempt, while my max level is 2, maybe it is just the age ;-). But I’m too honest *not* to build in a cheat mode, or should I? Maybe 😉

As always, the sources are available on GitHub.

Happy Snaking 🙂

32 thoughts on “Snake Game on the FRDM-KL25Z with Nokia 5110 Display

  1. Good job Erich.

    And, yeah… put in a back door cheat option. Tell your daughter if she finds it you’ll buy her ice cream.


  2. Nice!! You gotta love those. I ordered the joystick shield, and meanwhile been playing with some cheap Nokia LCDs, one onochrome and one Color, Posted on my blog. I just have to make my LCD breakout compatilbe with the shield, then try some games. Thank you for sharing.


  3. Erich

    I used GDisp1 in conjunction with PDC8544 component. I am getting errors GDisp1.c:136: undefined reference to `GDisp1_GetWidth’ .All references to header files were generated by processor expert. Just wonder whether there is an issue with the codewarrior version. I am using codewarrior 10.4? Can you please advise how rectify this error?


  4. Thank you Erich

    That sorted my error.

    I compiled successfully program. Display works in the text mode. But it stays blank in the graphic mode. I used couple of methods for drawing different figures. I set the color parameter to 7 (black) as I am using nokia 5510 monochrome display. For example

    GDisp1_DrawBox(10,10,30,15,5,7); /*Draw box*/

    Any idea why this method doesn’t work?
    Thank you



  5. Hello Erich!
    I can write words on the screen using the PDC8544 component, but having problems to print a monochromatic bitmap on the 5110 LCD. I’m using the GDisp1_DrawMonoBitmap method, but i don´t know how to load the *.bmp image on the code. How can I do that?


    • There are several tools which can transform a bitmap/image to an array of hex values you can include into your code, e.g.
      to name a few.


      • I have the bitmap hex values. But would you explain me how to insert the image pointer. The method ask me for an image pointer…


        • Hi Dave,
          here is an example of such a bitmap:

          #define ImageWait_IMAGE_WIDTH 0x38U /* Image width in pixels */
          #define ImageWait_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0x18U /* Image height in pixels */
          #define ImageWait_IMAGE_SIZE 0xA8U /* Image size in bytes */
          #define ImageWait_IMAGE_FILE_NAME "waitImage_small.bmp" /* Image file name */

          extern const byte ImageWait_Pixmap[0xA8]; /* Image pixel bitmap */

          PIMAGE ImageWait_GetImage(void);

          static TIMAGE Image;
          static const char_t FileName[] = "waitImage_small.bmp";
          const byte ImageWait_Pixmap[0xA8] = {

          ** ===================================================================
          ** Method : ImageWait_GetImage (component BWimage)
          ** Description :
          ** Get image information.
          ** Parameters : None
          ** Returns :
          ** --- - Pointer to structure TIMAGE
          ** ===================================================================
          PIMAGE ImageWait_GetImage(void)
          Image.width = 0x38U;
          Image.height = 0x18U;
          Image.size = 0xA8U;
 = FileName;
          Image.pixmap = ImageWait_Pixmap;
          return &Image;


  6. Hello Erich!
    I´m trying to print a monochromatic bitmap on the 5110 screen, but I don’t know how to use the DrawMonoBitmap method. It ask me for an image pointer, but i have no idea how to set it up.
    How do I do that?


  7. Pingback: 3D Printed Gameboy and Remote Controller with tinyK20 Board | MCU on Eclipse

  8. Pingback: Arduino Joystick shield, Nokia 5110 display and BlueTooth – gr33nonline

  9. Pingback: INTRO Robot Remote – First Production PCB | MCU on Eclipse

  10. Erich, regards;

    Please, you have a basic tutorial about GFont component? How to create new graphic font? Archive struct, bits and bytes organization/structure…

    In “FontBMP[ ]/GFont_CharInfo” the >position of new charoffsets< is in pixels is that so? Because 0x00 Char is not NULL? What would it be? What software you recommend to create individual char constants?

    I have gained a lot of knowledge with your material, I am very grateful! That you be very blessed for this. Thanks.


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