Sumo Robot Portraits

If you are familiar with battle games, then typically there is portrait of the machinery you can use. Or if you have every watched ‘competitive’ sports, then every player can have an opportunity to present himself to the audience. So here we go…

Fredy the Commander

Fredy the Commander

So I created something similar for the Mini Sumo Robot Competition for this afternoon: A short portrait of each robot:

Not all robots have been recorded as undergoing last-minute changes (see “Zumo Robot Last Tuning Tips”). But you will see them all in the video recorded this afternoon. We are going to use for scoring and ranking the robots. Stay tuned ;-).

Happy Boting 🙂

4 thoughts on “Sumo Robot Portraits

  1. Pingback: INTRO Mini Sumo Tournament 2013: Lots of Fun! | MCU on Eclipse

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