Getting Help on Processor Expert Components

That might be an obvious thing for me, but recent questions of readers of my blog let me think that it is not that obvious: How to use a Processor Expert component? How to find example code?

There is the context menu entry ‘Help on Component’ on the component itself, both in the Components Library view and on the component inside the project:

Help on Component

Help on Component

Among different information, the Typical Usage documentation is probably what everyone is looking for:

Typical Usage

Typical Usage

For my user components the same things applies, only that it opens an HTML web page with all the information I have documented in the component:

FreeRTOS User Documentation

FreeRTOS User Documentation

I admit that for my own components I’m sometimes a bit lacy documenting it, as with everything this is an extra effort. If you are missing some specific for my components, simply post a comment and I will comment :-).

Happy Helping 🙂

6 thoughts on “Getting Help on Processor Expert Components

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