Dark or Light: What is your Preference?

Most of my students seems to prefer the ‘Dark’ desktop and tool theme. So this is getting popular, and I was reluctant to use it. But tools support is getting better (see MCUXpresso IDE) and I switched do the ‘dark’ side for now :-).

But what do you prefer? Not Eclipse in particular, but as a general color theme? Is it the ‘new’ Dark, black, darker-than-dark, … theme?

Dark Theme

Dark Theme

Or is it the ‘classic’ Light, bright, white, … theme?

Light Theme

Light Theme

Please let us know:

Happy undarking 🙂


Installing Darkest Theme with MCUXpresso IDE 10.2

Is BLACK the color of the season? My students really seem to love these ‘dark’ Eclipse themes. Well, I tried ‘dark’ themes in the past, but I have not been vey excited about it. Somehow I preferred more the ‘black on white background’ thing. But: I have now managed to install the ‘Darkest Dark’ Eclipse theme into the NXP MCUXpresso 10.2 IDE for my daily work, and I feel it hurts my eyes less? Maybe I’m getting older? Or could it really be that ‘dark’ look and feel?

Darkest Dark Theme with MCUXpresso IDE

Darkest Dark Theme with MCUXpresso IDE

Find out for yourself in the following article….

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