NXP MCUXpresso IDE 11.0.1 available

NXP has released an update of the Eclipse based V11 IDE. This is right on time for the new semester starting mid of September where this IDE will be used in several labs.

MCUXpresso IDE V11.0.1

MCUXpresso IDE V11.0.1

The V11 release came with many new cool features (see “New NXP MCUXpresso Eclipse IDE v11.0“). As this is a maintenance release, naturally it does not come with new features but with bug fixes which are very welcome.

The new university labs have been created and prepared with the V11.0.0 of the IDE. While this worked very well, there have been a few issues I reported and as well a few in the community. I’m happy to see in the release notes that NXP has addressed them, so this makes me confident that the labs will run smoothly. So for example the Eclipse Java Heap memory consumption has been greatly reduced if using the IDE for an extended period of time. I did a quick test this morning with the new IDE and I can report that this worked fine :-).

For me one important improvement is how the SEGGER J-Link installation is handled. Segger frequently makes new releases, and while I avoid changing a system, I do update the J-Link drivers frequently. The SEGGER installation way and folder has been changed, and the new updated IDE is now considering this change, making updates during the semester or between labs easier to handle if needed.

The new release (unlimited, free of charge) is available from http://www.nxp.com/mcuxpresso/ide/download.

Details in the NXP community post at https://community.nxp.com/community/mcuxpresso/mcuxpresso-ide/blog/2019/09/04/mcuxpresso-ide-v1101-now-available

Happy Xpressing 🙂


17 thoughts on “NXP MCUXpresso IDE 11.0.1 available

  1. Do you believe MCUXpresso IDE is worth it even for projects not based on NXP MCUs? In other words, does MCUXpresso offer any valuable feature which is not available in Eclipse CDT + GNU MCU Eclipse?

    Thanks in advance for you reply.


    • Check the license agreement: NXP only allows you to use it in combination with an NXP product or device.
      Beside of that: in (maybe biased?) opinion the NXP MCUXpresso IDE is the best available Eclipse based IDE: it makes creating and using projects easy and offers trace and profiling functionality which is not present in stock Eclipse. It comes with FreeRTOS awareness plus the extra views for image info and stack usage. It has decent documentation and gets updated frequently (usually 4x a year with two major releases). With stock Eclipse you get the ‘bleeding’ edge (features, but bugs too), while with the MCUXpresso IDE things have been settled down a bit.

      I hope this helps?


  2. Pingback: Eclipse JTAG Debugging the ESP32 with a SEGGER J-Link | MCU on Eclipse

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  4. Hi Erich
    and thank you for your incredible source of good information by holding this site.
    I have been using KDS with my own MKL46Z256 board and am switching over to Mcuxpresso since it seems the way to go – but for weeks I have constantly been running in to walls.
    To my surprise I found it difficult to start a new USB based project, finally I found a discussion saying that the best way would be to copy an example and build the way from there (copy and paste files from example project to the new project). I had imagined that there would be some help similar to other peripherals (check-boxes in the SDK package that when checked the necessary files would be included in the project) or as components as in old KDS.
    Finally I managed to get my project running.
    Next thing is to get a bootloader. Previously with KDS I had been using a USB based bootloader based on a project here on your site. I had difficulties getting that project to compile on Mcuxpresso (I guess mostly because of different ways these two IDE’s approach USB) . Looking around I found that NXP is supporting a package called MCUBOOT so I downloaded the NXP_Kinetis_Bootloader_2.0.0 package. To my surprise this package does not support the KL46. I tried to compile some of the other packages (like KL25) but I could not import those into Mcuxpresso (they are acutally marked as KDS projects and not MCUXpresso) so that they would compile.
    All this situation leaves me in an insecure situation. I wonder if the KL46Z is on the way to be phased out, or why would it not be supported with examples? Why is it so hard to start a new USB based project(other type of project seem logical, e.g. SPI where I just check boxes and the relevant code gets added)? Why is it so difficult go get a bootloader to work for KL46Z?
    Might I be misunderstanding something or not looking at the right places? I would be happy for any comment.
    Best regards,


    • Hi Baldur,
      I have been in a similar situation with getting the bootloader working for the K22FN512.
      I did not check for the KL46Z, but for the K22FN512 I have found that the bootloader is *not* included in the SDK for that device, it is only included in the SDK for the FRDM-K22F. I managed to get it ported and working. I would think it might be a similar case for the KL46Z? I have not working for a long time on the KL46Z, but it might be the same thing: so check the SDK for the FRDM-KL46Z if the examples include the bootloader? If not: porting might be possible, but a time consuming task I fear.


  5. Hi
    I have the impression that I get less Java Runtime errors since I migrated from MCUXpresso IDE 11.0.0 to 11.0.1. Is this due to reduced Java heap memory consumption?


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  9. Pingback: MCUXpresso IDE V11.1.0 | MCU on Eclipse

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