Happy New Year 2018!

Starting the New Year in the mountains, with cold snow covering everything. Beautiful view to the peaks, illuminated by last sun rays of New Year’s Day.

Sunset in the mountains

Sunset in the mountains (Click to enlarge)

Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2018!

  1. Happy New Year Erich, looks awesome. Summer here now, 40° forecast for this
    weekend in the city, I’ll be glad to be in the Alps where the top is forecast to be 25°


  2. Happy New Year Erich. I would have posted a picture of the moon from N California which was so gorgeous. Thanks so much for the posts. It really helped me switch over getting MCUxpresso going – there were a few hidden gottchas that I couldn’t get around till I re-read one of your posts.
    Here is wishing you a happy and health 2018.


    • Happy New Year to you too. Yes, that ‘super moon’ must have been amazing. I was never able to get a good shot of the moon, for that I would need a ‘real’ good camera not the smartphone one I carrry around.
      I’m very happy to hear that my articles helped you to get MCUXpresso going. What were the hidden gotchas? Maybe I have to describe them better?


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