Translating for the world …

English is not my first language, but I use it in this blog because that way I can reach a broader audience. If I would use Swiss German, only a few would be able to understand what I write about: “Wänn I würd schwiizerdütsch bruuche, dänn chönt wohl chuum öpper das hie läse” ;-).

Google Translate is not prefect, but still it does a fair job of translating web pages. I have added now a Google translate button to this blog side bar. Click on it and have the web page translated to the language of your choice. Try it out:


💡 If you are speaking Portuguese and want to learn about the Freescale FRDM-KL25Z board, then check out

Happy Translating 🙂

PS: some of the translations by Google are sooooo funny 🙂

3 thoughts on “Translating for the world …

  1. Erich, you definitely rock! You are not only responsible for your blog, you’re responsible for mine too. You’re responsible for my will about discovering new ways to learn, for all the patience at your answers. A real big thanks for all you’ve done here. Happy teaching 🙂


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