Reducing the build time with gcc for ARM and CodeWarrior

Eclipse based CodeWarrior for MCU10.3 comes with gcc build tools for Kinetis/ARM cores. While it features the parallel build make, I noticed that especially for larger projects build times are not as fast as it should be. The good news is: I was able to cut down my build time to less than half with a simple change :-).

When I looked at the output folder where all the object and make files are stored by Eclipse, I noticed that it has as well the listing files generated:

Listing Files in output folder

Listing Files in output folder

Having a listing file for each object file is not a bad thing, and useful in many cases. But having it always might not be a good thing for the build performance. So I checked the project settings of my gcc projects created by the CodeWarrior wizard, and have found the options which is responsible for the listing file generation: it is


in the Project > Properties > Tool Settings > ARM Ltd Windows GCC C Compiler > Miscellaneous:

Assembler listing option

Assembler listing option

To *not* generate the listing files, I simply remove that option:

removed option to generate listing files

removed option to generate listing files

Removing that option for example cuts down the full build time for one of my projects from 80 seconds to 30 seconds: less than a half! 🙂

💡 In case I want the listing file back, I can re-add that option again to the build settings.

Happy speeding 🙂

7 thoughts on “Reducing the build time with gcc for ARM and CodeWarrior

  1. Pingback: Review of CodeWarrior for MCU10.4 | MCU on Eclipse

  2. Pingback: Tutorial: FreeRTOS with the Kinetis SDK and Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse

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