Hrad Veveří Castle

I’m visiting Brno in the Czech Republic which is the second largest city of the country. A bit outside of the town there is the is the Veveří Castle. Got there in the evening, and the castle was about to be closed to the public, so I was able to take a few pictures only. The sunlight painted the castle in a nice color:

Castle Veveri Bridge

Castle Hrad Veveří

The castle name is named Veveří (squirrel in Czech) because that area had (too many?) squirrels. The castle was originally a hunting lodge.

Castle Hrad Veveří

Castle Hrad Veveří

Many parts of the castle need some renovation and restoration. In between some of the ruins, wonderful flowers are blooming:

Flower in the Castle Garden

Flower in the Castle Garden

And of course in the Czech Republic they are not only famous for their excellent beer:

Pilsner Urquell

Pilsner Urquell

They have their own style of BBQ Ribs too 🙂

Ribs, Czech Style

Ribs, Czech Style

Happy Squirreling 🙂


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