CDE: Show Inherited Methods

Using Processor Expert components makes my development faster and easier. And when I have a useful piece of software I want to distribute or use in another project, I transform it into a Processor Expert component. But recently I noticed a strange thing with my components: the inherited components did not show the methods and events?

I have created a new component with the Component Wizard and inherited from the FreeCntr component. But there was no icon to unfold that inherited component to see its methods and events:

Inherited Component without Unfold Icon

Inherited Component without Unfold Icon

I know that this is possible, as other components indeed can show this. After some research and asking around, I have found the solution to enable unfolding:

Inherited Component showing Unfold Icon

Inherited Component showing Unfold Icon

The trick is to open the .bean file and to find following part in it:


Then change the value from false to true:


This does the magic and allows me to show the methods (and events, if there are any):

Inherited component showing methods and events

Inherited component showing methods and events

Happy Inheriting 🙂

2 thoughts on “CDE: Show Inherited Methods

  1. Pingback: CDE: Inherited Component Base Name | MCU on Eclipse

  2. Pingback: CDE: Inherited Component Base Name | MCU on Eclipse

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