Winter Wonderland Melchseefrutt

Winter is coming to an end, but there is still lots of snow up in the higher mountains. This weekend we spent in Melchsee-Frutt, a mountain resort village at 1920 m above sea level in the Swiss Alps, still covered by 3-4 meters of snow. Technically the Winter season closed this weekend, but it is still ‘Winter Wonderland’ up there. The lakes are covered by snow and ice, and it is beautiful to stroll around in this wonderland. Enjoy!



Panorama Lift View

Panorama Lift View

Panorama Lift

Panorama Lift

Melchsee Chappel

Melchsee Chappel



Snow Land

Snow Land

At Tannensee

At Tannensee



Snow Height

Lots of Snow

Panorama View

Panorama View

Happy Frutting πŸ™‚


7 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland Melchseefrutt

  1. Hi Erich
    Great to see the snow.
    This March we had a very cold March in the UK. (Same across all of Europe?). Turns out this is a corollary of arctic heating at the same time.
    This year I read “A Farewell to Ice” by Peter Wadhams. This explains the effect of global warming or arctic (and Antarctic) ice, and the consequences for the rest of the planet. Very wellworth reading and contemplating.
    Also, last week the Financial Times ran a great article (and video) on climate change in the antarctic:
    The good news for Switzerland is that even if all the ice melts you will still be above sea level.
    Regards – Charles


    • March was not very cold, but very wet with rain in the lower areas and lots of snow in the higher areas (say above 1600 meters). A lot of humidity was brought from the atlantic ocean and snowed down in the alps. The problem here if all the ice is gone will be that we might not have enough water during summer time. Right now the melting ice feeds the rivers, so this will not be the case so much in the future I think.


  2. 3-4 Meters 😦 we only dream of half (1/3 even) that here in Oz πŸ™‚

    The MTB season is coming to an end here, just a few weeks left.

    I do one ski race and one bike race each year, here is a link to some video on my run
    a few weeks back… well from 10 minutes in, when I remembered to start the camera.


  3. these roads: They look like snowcat territory not wheeled vehicles. Are they just groomed trails for cross country ski?

    Here in Northern Wisconsin, we’re supposed to be shirtsleeve weather too but we’re under a foot of snow and the lakes still have 2 feet of ice in them. Rough winter…

    Still, we must stand in awe of the beauty.


  4. Pingback: Four-Lake-Hike: Engelberg – Melchsee-Frutt | MCU on Eclipse

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