The Return of the 3D Printed Flying Toaster!

Does everybody still know why in the ‘old’ days there was the need for running a ‘screen saver’ on the computer? With the modern LCD displays they lost their initial purpose.  After “3D Printed Classic Mac Apple Watch Charging Station” I’m doing more ‘good old days’ 3D printing. The ‘elder ones’ might remember the “After Dark” screen saver software for Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows machines. Yes, that was 1991! For me most famous and iconic theme were the “Flying Toasters”:

Flying Toasters

Flying Toasters

Now there is a 3D printed version 🙂

Flying Toaster SD Card Holder

Flying Toaster SD Card Holder

If you want to try it out: There is a web-based version on to get back the feeling from these days!

For many of my embedded projects I use SD cards (see “FatFs with Kinetis“), and having the cards laying on my desk is a mess! So why not storing them in a flying toaster?

The model is on Thingiverse:

After Dark Flying Toaster Model

After Dark Flying Toaster Model

It includes optional wings 🙂



I have printed the parts with a Ultimaker 2 using PLA at 0.1 mm with no support structure. I used different PLA (silver, white and black) for the different parts:

3D printed parts

3D printed parts

Then glued the parts together.

Toaster Left Side

Toaster Left Side

Toaster Front

Toaster Front

Toaster Right

Toaster Right

Toaster Back

Toaster Back

The model and design files are available on Thingiverse here.

Happy Toasting 🙂


12 thoughts on “The Return of the 3D Printed Flying Toaster!

    • Hi Henry,
      nope, I have not pre-erased K20DX256 in a toaster 😉
      Seriously: I have not checked it, but I think that when you download the application with the debug probe, the FlexnNVM gets erased too?


      • thanks a lot, in AN4282 page 15

        “The EEE can also be pre-erased by writing 0xFF to the EEE data locations. Pre-erasing locations help to reduce the programtime because it guarantees that an erase cycle will not be needed. Typical program time to a pre-erased data location is ~100 us. This feature allows for quick data logging in time critical situations”

        how to understood for this “pre_erased”

        thank you for quikly reply


        • Ah, I see 🙂
          I understand it like this: You write 0xFF to the EEE when you have enough time in your application (e.g. before start logging data to the EEPROM). That way the EEPROM cells are already ‘pre-erased’. Now when you start logging and writing data, the EEPROM cells are already erased (set to 0xFF) so the write operation does not have to do it (because it is pre-erased), thus resulting in faster EEPROM write time.

          I hope this makes sense?


        • I don’t think we can write data to same location inside DFlash every time,

          “When configured for EEPROM use, writes to an unprotected location in FlexRAM
          invokes the EEPROM file system to program a new EEPROM data record in the
          EEPROM backup memory in a round-robin fashion.”


        • This only says that when you write to FlexRAM it will trigger a write transaction to the EEPROM. You are free how many times you want to to this. So you could write 0xFF to the FlexRAM to pre-erase it.


    • Yes, if you set the temperature too high, your data gets toasted. So be careful, and set the toast level to ‘light’ or ‘light to medium’. I have found that software (like source files) get faster toasted than hardware files (schematics, PCB layouts, …). So be sure you adjust the toast level based on the SD card content.


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