Thank you for all your comments!

Wordpress Dashboard

WordPress Dashboard

I did not realize that the number of comments passed the 10k number 🙂

I want to pause for a minute and thank all my readers and commenters for all the feedback, suggestions, thoughts and learning material you provide with your comments.

Thank you all, and keep Commenting 🙂

PS: You might notice the amount of spam comments. Luckly WordPress is very good in filtering these out :-). But in case your comment somehow does not get through, contact me on the email address listed in the About page.

4 thoughts on “Thank you for all your comments!

  1. I think we all, instead, should thank you for all the articles, posts, teachings and comments you’ve been sharing on your blog. I personally know that it requires lots of time and hard work to create each educational blog post. So a big thank you from me.


    • I kenno,
      thank you for this comment :-). And yes, you are correct: writing about something is on top of creating a piece of technology. I could throw out the solution without explanation, but then it would be less useful for the world. I have learned myself a lot from others in the blogging world writing about their approaches and their solutions (and problems), so it only would be fair to give back something to the community. That might sound altruistic, but maybe that’s why I’m working in the ‘educational industry’ 🙂


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