MCUXpresso IDE V11.2.0

At the university the end of a semester means that you have to get ready for the next semester. I always tend to use the latest and greatest tools for the labs. This week I received the notification that a new version of the Eclipse based MCUXpresso IDE is available, time to check it out for the next semester.

MCUXpresso IDE 11.2.0

MCUXpresso IDE 11.2.0

During the last semester I have used the version 11.1.1, and the new V11.2 comes with set of new things:

  • Eclipse version 2019.12 with CDT 9.10.0
  • GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain with GCC 9-2029-q4-major
  • GNU make 4.2.1
  • MCUXpresso Config Tools V9
  • Updated SEGGER and P&E debug drivers/software

Beside of several bug fixes, there are new features which could be useful in the labs too:

The help menu has a new entry to zip log and installation information:

Export for Support

Export for Support

While this is obviously something useful for NXP support or to submit something on the forum, it can be indeed useful for the students to submit me things in case they have a problem.

The ‘Global Variables’ view keeps the expressions between debug sessions: that makes it easier to visualize variables or expressions over time and during debug:

Global Variables View

Global Variables View

There is a new ‘Debug Sources’ view:

Debug Sources View

Debug Sources View

Basically it shows the source files and the location similar to the gdb ‘info sources’ command. That way it is easy to see from where the sources files are used. What is really useful is that I can double-click on an item and it will open it in the editor. In addition to that it shows the files which are not found (‘unrooted’):

unrooted files

unrooted files

The already very useful Code Analysis has been improved too. For example it flags now cases returning the address of a local object:

Code Analysis

Code Analysis

This one is very useful as each semester I see at least one student doing this:

static variable in header file

static variable in header file

It is now possible to ‘black list’ functions like printf:

blacklisted free

blacklisted free

The list is user defined:

Blacklisted functions

Blacklisted functions

Overall, this is a solid update and release with some nice extensions, making it a nice upgrade for the labs in the next semester.

Happy MCUXpressing 🙂


12 thoughts on “MCUXpresso IDE V11.2.0

  1. Hey, did they remove instruction stepping? I’m trying to do some debugging and I can’t find the option anywhere!


  2. Pingback: MCUXpresso IDE V11.2.1 | MCU on Eclipse

  3. Pingback: Hey Google: Find ‘Error from StubMonSemihost: “monitor” command not supported by this target.’ | MCU on Eclipse

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