Tutorial: μCUnit, a Unit Test Framework for Microcontrollers

Unit testing is a common practice for host development. But for embedded development this still seems mostly a ‘blank’ area. Mostly because embedded engineers are not used to unit testing, or because the usual framework for unit testing requires too many resources on an embedded target?

What I have used is the μCUnit framework which is a small and easy to use framework, targeting small microcontroller applications.



The framework is very simple: two header files and a .c file:

uCUnit Framework Files

uCUnit Framework Files

Use the original ones from the uCUnit GitHub site or use the ones I have slightly tuned and modified from GitHub to be used with the MCUXpresso SDK and IDE.

The concept is that a unit test includes the uCunit.h header file which provides test macros.

A #define in the header file configures the output as verbose or normal:



System.c and System.h is the connection to the system, basically used for startup, shutdown and printing the test results to a console. Below an implementation using a printf() method to write the output, but this could be replaced by any writing routine or extended to log text on an SD card.

/* Stub: Transmit a string to the host/debugger/simulator */
void System_WriteString(char * msg) {

void System_WriteInt(int n) {
	PRINTF("%d", n);

Framework Overview

First I have to include the unit test framework header file:

#include "uCUnit.h"

First I have to initialize the framework with

UCUNIT_Init(); /* initialize framework */

One more test cases are wrapped with a UCUNIT_TestcaseBegin() and UCUNIT_TestcaseEnd():

UCUNIT_TestcaseBegin("Crazy Scientist");
/* test cases ... */

To write a summary at the end use


and if the system shall be shut down use a



The framework provides multiple testing methods, such as:

UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(x, 0); /* check if x == 0 */
UCUNIT_CheckIsInRange(x, 0, 10); /* check 0 <= x <= 10 */
UCUNIT_CheckIsBitSet(x, 7); /* check if bit 7 set */
UCUNIT_CheckIsBitClear(x, 7); /* check if bit 7 cleared */
UCUNIT_CheckIs8Bit(x); /* check if not larger then 8 bit */
UCUNIT_CheckIs16Bit(x); /* check if not larger then 16 bit */
UCUNIT_CheckIs32Bit(x); /* check if not larger then 32 bit */
UCUNIT_CheckIsNull(p); /* check if p == NULL */
UCUNIT_CheckIsNotNull(s); /* check if p != NULL */
UCUNIT_Check((*s)==’\0’, "Missing termination", "s"); /* generic check: condition, msg, args */

This is explained best with a few examples.

Example: Crazy Scientist

Below is a ‘crazyScientist’ function which combines different materials:

typedef enum {
	Unknown,  /* first, generic item */
	Hydrogen, /* H */
	Helium,   /* He */
	Oxygen,   /* O */
	Oxygen2,  /* O2 */
	Water,    /* H2O */
	ChemLast  /* last, sentinel */
} Chem_t;

Chem_t crazyScientist(Chem_t a, Chem_t b) {
	if (a==Oxygen && b==Oxygen) {
		return Oxygen2;
	if (a==Hydrogen && b==Oxygen2) {
		return Water;
	return Unknown;

A test for this could look like this:

void Test(void) {
  Chem_t res;
  UCUNIT_Init(); /* initialize framework */

  UCUNIT_TestcaseBegin("Crazy Scientist");
  res = crazyScientist(Oxygen, Oxygen);
  UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(res, Oxygen2);
  UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(Unknown, crazyScientist(Water, Helium));
  UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(Water, crazyScientist(Hydrogen, Oxygen2));
  UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(Water, crazyScientist(Oxygen2, Hydrogen));
  UCUNIT_CheckIsInRange(crazyScientist(Unknown, Unknown), Unknown, ChemLast);

  /* finish all the tests */

With the different checks we can verify if the function is doing what we expect. It produces the following as output:

Crazy Scientist
../source/Application.c:60: passed:IsEqual(res,Oxygen2)
../source/Application.c:61: passed:IsEqual(Unknown,crazyScientist(Water, Helium))
../source/Application.c:62: passed:IsEqual(Water,crazyScientist(Hydrogen, Oxygen2))
../source/Application.c:63: failed:IsEqual(Water,crazyScientist(Oxygen2, Hydrogen))
../source/Application.c:64: passed:IsInRange(crazyScientist(Unknown, Unknown),Unknown,ChemLast)
../source/Application.c:65: failed:EndTestcase()

Testcases: failed: 1
           passed: 0
Checks:    failed: 1
           passed: 4
System shutdown.

💡 I recommend to write the unit tests *before* doing the implementation, because this way it let me consider all the different corner cases and refines the requirements.

The above output is with UCUNIT_MODE_VERBOSE set. Using UCUNIT_MODE_NORMAL it uses a more compact format and prints the failed tests only:

Crazy Scientist
../source/Application.c:63: failed:IsEqual(Water,crazyScientist(Oxygen2, Hydrogen))
../source/Application.c:65: failed:EndTestcase()

Testcases: failed: 1
           passed: 0
Checks:    failed: 1
           passed: 4
System shutdown.

Trace Points

In the above example we were only testing from the outside what the function does.
How to check that in the following function to be tested it indeed checks for the division by zero case?

int checkedDivide(int a, int b) {
	if (b==0) {
		PRINTF("division by zero is not defined!\n");
		return 0;
	return a/b;

To check if that if() condition has been really entered I can add a trace point. The number of tracepoints are configured in μCUnit.h with:

 * Max. number of checkpoints. This may depend on your application
 * or limited by your RAM.



I can reset the trace points.

I mark the execution of a trace point with an id (which is in the range 0..UCUNIT_MAX_TRACEPOINTS-1)




I can check if a given trace point has been touched.
Below the function to be tested instrumented with a trace point:

int checkedDivide(int a, int b) {
	if (b==0) {
		UCUNIT_Tracepoint(0); /* mark trace point */
		PRINTF("division by zero is not defined!\n");
		return 0;
	return a/b;

The corresponding unit test code:

UCUNIT_TestcaseBegin("Checked Divide");
UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(100/5, checkedDivide(100,5));
UCUNIT_ResetTracepointCoverage(); /* start tracking */
UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual(0, checkedDivide(1024,0));
UCUNIT_CheckTracepointCoverage(0); /* check coverage of point 0 */

Which then produces:

Checked Divide
../source/Application.c:69: passed:IsEqual(100/5,checkedDivide(100,5))
division by zero is not defined!
../source/Application.c:71: passed:IsEqual(0,checkedDivide(1024,0))
../source/Application.c:72: passed:TracepointCoverage(1)

String Test

There are many other ways to use checks, up to have user configured checks and messages. Below is an example of a function to test:

char *endOfString(char *str) {
  if (str==NULL) {
	return NULL;
  while(*str!='\0') {
  return str;

with the following test code:

str = endOfString("abc");
	(str!=NULL), /* condition to check */
	"string shall be not NULL", /* message */
	"str" /* argument as string */
UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual('\0', *endOfString(""));
UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual('\0', *endOfString("hello"));
str = endOfString("world");
UCUNIT_CheckIsEqual('\0', *str);

which produces:

../source/Application.c:76: passed:IsNull(endOfString(NULL))
../source/Application.c:82: passed:string shall be not NULL(str)
../source/Application.c:83: passed:IsEqual('\0',*endOfString(""))
../source/Application.c:84: passed:IsEqual('\0',*endOfString("hello"))
../source/Application.c:86: passed:IsNotNull(str)
../source/Application.c:87: passed:IsEqual('\0',*str)


μCUnit is a very simple but yet powerful unit testing framework for embedded devices and microcontroller. It is easy to use and requires only minimal resources and helps increasing the quality of embedded software with automated unit tests. I hope you find it useful too.

Happy Testing 🙂


25 thoughts on “Tutorial: μCUnit, a Unit Test Framework for Microcontrollers

  1. Thank you for this blog entry. I my company, we are currently trying to establish a more formal testing process for our firmware products. I’ll check the framework out next week 🙂
    It’s a pity that software testing in embedded systems is still uncommon, even in big companies…


    • Yes, I think because it is mostly unknown to embedded developers that these kind of things actually do exist. And it is really not hard to use a framework as uCUnit, and it only needs minimal resources on the target.


  2. Check out the book “Test-Driven Development for Embedded C” by James W. Grenning

    “Still chasing bugs and watching your code deteriorate? Think TDD is only for desktop or web apps? It’s not: TDD is for you, the embedded C programmer. TDD helps you prevent defects and build software with a long useful life. This is the first book to teach the hows and whys of TDD for C programmers. …”


    Liked by 1 person

  3. My commercial projects include integrated testing, often starting on host, then migrating to embedded target. For example matrix math and numerical routines are verified on host and rechecked on embedded target (which may have lower precision math). C++ classes typically have a public member function like “static bool QwikTest();” with a (perhaps debug-build-only) command to run all qwiktests, which does require some space for test code and datasets in flash. Some details here from a class I’ve taught:

    Click to access ESC-111paper_Nadler_corrected.pdf

    Hope that’s helpful!
    Best Regards, Dave


  4. I also recommend you to read James Grenning’s book about TDD for embedded systems. Also note that if you’re really interested into this topic, he gives courses on this theme through the Barr Group.
    At work we use another unit test framework : Unity (huge set of assertions), CMock (generate mocks for files) and Ceedling (manages the configuration, build, results, etc). The three are done by the same team (ThrowTheSwitch) and can be found on Github. The idea is to run the tests on a PC, not directly on the target. It’s really useful, although it takes some work to set it up the first time if you’ve never exercised compiling your code for a PC and if you have many dependencies. This framework is also targeting embedded systems by the way, so you will find many advice on their site & blogs regarding mocking the low-level parts of your embedded code.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is the same config we use at work – all done through ceedling.

      qemu is used to run the unit tests – means we can use the same arm target compiler. Never found the need to perform actual on embedded target testing.


      • qemu did not help in my case because I really needed the hardware portion of the drives tested too. Yes, I can create mocks for that, but ultimately I have to run it on hardare. Qemu as more or less an instruction similator did not help me. But this all depends how close to the hardware the testing needs to be.


      • Hey, that’s my kit! Thanks for recommending it 🙂

        It’s not for on-target testing though, just for running host-based tests (compiled with GCC and run with Ceedling).

        If you don’t necessarily need IDE integration right away, this article (http://www.electronvector.com/blog/add-unit-tests-to-your-current-project-with-ceedling) works through an example of setting up Ceedling to work from the command line with an existing project.


        • Hey, it is a great kit! I have not actively used it. I know there are pros and cons with running things on the hardware or on the device. And I agree that it can make sense to run the ‘business logic’ on the host. But most of my applications really depend on the hardware and need to test the functionality of the device itself. Any thoughts on this, or recommendation how to run your framework on the device itself?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Hey Erich,

          Ceedling (not *mine* but I’m a big fan) is built from the Unity unit test framework and the CMock mocking framework. You can compile and run both of these on your target to execute your tests there, although I haven’t done it personally.

          It’ll require some configuration — e.g. Unity needs to know how to “print” test results to a serial port or whatnot. Also CMock uses some memory and could be difficult to fit in on something small.

          Ceedling provides the out-of-the-box automation you need to build and run tests on the host, but you can configure it to use any compiler you want, including a cross-compiler. I suspect you could configure it to use command line tools to download to the target, but I’m not exactly sure where those hook would be as I’ve never tried it.

          My primary strategy (as recommended by Grenning) has been to build a HAL to decouple the code from the hardware and run tests on the host.


        • Thanks for the clarification! I agree on the general strategy to decouple from the hardware. It is only that most of projects really heavily depend on the hardware and proper funtionality with the hardware is the primary goal. So I rather save the work to have a HAL if I have the hardware anyway.


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