Survey: After 0x8888888 Seconds, What’s Next?

When I have hit ‘publish’ for this post, the McuOnEclipse blog exists for exactly 0x888888 seconds. Or almost. I admit there might be a latency of a few seconds. But hey, that’s still a good (hexadecimal) number! :-).

What Next

What Next?

I would like to reach out about what you would like to see on McuOnEclipse in a not too distant future:

  • What do you like the most?
  • About what should I write more?
  • Any other subject or topic you would like to see?

Add a comment if you have anything else on your mind.

Thank you!

Happy Polling šŸ™‚


16 thoughts on “Survey: After 0x8888888 Seconds, What’s Next?

  1. even more, it’s possible? šŸ™‚ BBQ is a little too burnt but Hardware, software, tools and mountain posts are excellent !
    Idea for articles :
    -Why a 8bit device ? why a 16bit device… why a bigger ?
    -What can be done with a S08, a cortex M0, a cortex M7, with other parts of NXP familly…
    to seeing what we can do is sometimes more difficult than making.

    thanks a lot


  2. Hi Erich,congratulations!
    -IoT is super actual
    -Wireless MCU’s are not discussed a lot
    -DSP on cortexes would be great too(Furiertransform,Kalman, LP and HP filters and it’s usecases)
    -If you have it-some insider info about roadmap of kinetis future.

    keep it up! šŸ˜‰


  3. Good morning Erich , I need a help in KL25Z , and I think you could help me , if possible , I need to read and write data from a clock that is attached on it and control the PC I use the Kinetis design studio program. thanks for listening.


  4. Hi Erich,
    your postings helped me a lot and gave me interesting insights. Thanks a lot for your passionate work. I really like your flowers and food stuff – they make a nice interrupt in the every day routine.
    I hope you’ll be around for a long time.


      • +1000 for flowers, food and mountain topics !
        Those who do not appreciate really need to take the time to look, cook and walk …
        Sometimes these topics publication give me the kick in the xxx needed to get out, open my eyes and make sports !


        • well said :-). So I hope more votes for these topics will come in. The plan is to let the survey run this week, and then on the weekend I’ll see what the direction will be.


  5. Thank you for all you have done for the Freescale and NXP community of embedded developers. Your many years of clear, patient, relevant, and always generous guidance has helped so many of us. You are truly a hero.

    Have you ever considered turning some of your attention to the STM32 Cortex-M devices? Many of their Discovery boards provide an affordable embedded development platform for designs that need a graphic display. It would be wonderful to see new paths you create in that direction.

    Thank you!


  6. Pingback: Survey Results: After 0x8888888 Seconds, This is Your Feedback | MCU on Eclipse

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