If you are in a hurry

“If you are in a hurry, go slowly.”
– Konfuzius

Konfuzius, I hear you. But so hard to follow that advice. Simply too much going on right now. But I’ll give it a try….

7 thoughts on “If you are in a hurry

  1. Sometimes … if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing poorly. That means, sometimes it is better to do something poorly than not at all.

    So, sometimes, it is OK to do something poorly so you have the time to do the important things well. (Like family?)

    Of course, the real challenge is in knowing which is which.



    • Yes, so true. On the other hand, if doing too many things, it is worthwile to think about to stop doing something completely. Sometimes it is better not to do it, instaed doing it poorly. Of course, as you say, the challenge is to know which one to pick 🙂


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