Freescale Processor Expert Survey

Frequent readers of this blog know: I’m using Processor Expert in most of my projects with CodeWarrior, Driver Suite or Kinetis Design Studio. With the move of Freescale to Kinetis Design Studio and the Kinetis SDK with Processor Expert, there is an opportunity for our voice to be heard in a survey Freescale now runs about configuration tools and Processor Expert.

Processor Expert

Processor Expert

Happy Surveying πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “Freescale Processor Expert Survey

  1. Ah, would love to fill it out, but I’m biased, haven’t see it in 2.5 years because of job changes, and don’t do any development. So my feedback/opinions would be almost useless. But a GREAT tool.


  2. Hello Erich,
    Is processor expert plugin in eclipse is totally free ???because KDS doesn’t support like projects that have more than 128ko.


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