Installing eGit in Eclipse and CodeWarrior for MCU10.4

Git is now my favorite version control system. Git and GitHub are very powerful, it has (nearly) all features I can think about, and best of all: As a distributed version control system, I can work with it, even if disconnected from the network :-).

There are many standalone and IDE integration available for Git. Beside of using TortoiseGit, I’m using the eGit Eclipse integration. This post is about how to install eGit in Eclipse, particularly in CodeWarrior for MCU10.4.


I’m using screenshots with the Eclipse based CodeWarrior for MCU10.4.

❗ The normal eGit update site is Because the Eclipse version used by CodeWarrior for MCU10.4 is an older one, the current eGit version won’t work. You will likely receive an error “Missing requirement: Git Team Provider UI (org.eclipse.egit.ui requires ‘bundle [3.6.100,4.0.0)’ but it could not be found”. See this forum thread. The solution is to use ‘’ as update site.

  1. Use the menu Help > Install New Software and press ‘Add…’ button
  2. Specify as URL. This is the URL which has the latest and greatest eGit version. However, as CodeWarrior for MCU10.4 is using an older version, use
    eGit Repository for MCU10.4

    eGit Repository for MCU10.4

    eGit Repository Location

    Standard eGit Repository Location

  3. I’m not interested in the sources, so I just select the plugin:

    Eclipse EGit Selection

    Eclipse EGit Selection

Pressing Next, and it should not report any dependency problems. Go through the rest of the dialogs, and after a restart you have eGit integrated in Eclipse.


Having an Eclipse Git integration as eGit is really nice, and not difficult to install. The only hick-up is if using an older Eclipse version as CodeWarrior for MCU10.4. Then using the dedicated update site solves the problem.

Happy eGiting 🙂

19 thoughts on “Installing eGit in Eclipse and CodeWarrior for MCU10.4

  1. The install went fine, but when I attempt to clone a remote repository, I get a Transport Error saying it cannot open git-upload-pack. I have set the http.sslVerify=false. Any suggestions?


    • Hi Robert,
      that looks like more of a problem vor commit/push, and not for clone? All what I can say is that I don’t have that problem. Have you tried with different git servers? Maybe it is a server side problem?


    • Resolved: The problem is that there appears to be a known bug in this version of egit that ignores the setting of the http.sslVerify key. We set this to false because the remote server’s certificate didn’t have the fully qualified domain name. Once we fixed that, everything worked. Current versions of egit didn’t have this problem so long as the key was value was false.


  2. Hi Erich,

    Which project files do you recommend committing when working with Processor Expert projects using Git, Mercurial, etc.? On your GitHub account, I see that you are committing at least the “Project_Settings”, “Sources” and “.settings” folders as well as the following files on the project root folders:


    I’ll be developing firmware in cooperation with a client of ours. Therefore, I’m trying to figure out what’s the best way to do this without committing unnecessary files. To give you an idea of our experience with this situation: me and our client are both new to the Freescale ARM MCUs and CodeWarrior. I gather that we probably don’t need to commit the “Generated_Code” folder since its files it can easily be generated through the Processor Expert plug-in. A coworker warned be about how some IDEs store settings (font size, window pane positioning) in their project files and how this is problematic when working with a client who uses different IDE preferences.

    What are your recommendations and warnings in general? Also, did I miss any of the files that I should commit as a bare minimum?

    Thanks in advance!


      • Thank you very much! This resolved all my questions so far.

        I definitely agree with you about the inconvenience of “describing” all the Processor Expert components within the “” XML file.

        The only temporary solution I can imagine is dividing our development responsibilities so only one of the teams is responsible for updating the Processor Expert components. Therefore, one team would focus on the hardware abstraction layer and the other team would have to focus only on algorithmic stuff (processing data acquired from sensors, …).

        Regardless, it seems like we might have some headaches during the first few weeks of development. At least while we get used to this workflow.

        What would be the best way for all of us to lobby Freescale into making CodeWarrior more VCS-friendly? 😉


  3. Hi Erich. I’m not being able to install the EGIT plugin on Code Warrior 10.5. Do you have success doing this ?


  4. Pingback: Constructing a Classroom IDE with Eclipse for ARM | MCU on Eclipse

  5. Pingback: Tutorial: Git with Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse

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